8 Mar 2006
Comfrey is the superhero of plants. It is truly wonderful, so multifunctional as to almost be outrageous. Comfrey is what is known as a dynamic accumulator, that is it is incredibly good at mining nutrients from deep in the soil and bringing them to the surface. The combination of comfrey and oil drum can be a win/win for any gardener.
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7 Mar 2006
Over this week I will be taking a look at five things we could do with oil barrels when we are no longer able to put oil in them. The idea came from the cover of Peter Tertzakian’s new book A Thousand Barrels a Second : The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World (you can hear an interview with the author here) which I just started reading, which has a great picture which shows a huge collection of such barrels. Struck me that we’re going to have an awful lot of them left lying about the place, and perhaps they might become rather useful things.
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16 Feb 2006
The time has come at **TransitionCulture** to address one of the less palatable but, I think, more fascinating aspects of this whole energy descent business. What happens when it becomes too costly, unfeasible or, due to sudden disruptions to our energy supplies, impossible, to run our mains sewage system? When the whole system stops working and we still need to go, where will we, as it were, go? As someone who until a few months ago had spent 6 years of my life using a compost toilet, I thought I might share my experience of a flush-free life.
Humanity can fly to the moon, build the Channel Tunnel and so on, but we still defecate in water and then try and work out what to do with it.
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