Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Waste/Recycling” category

Showing results 46 - 50 of 58 for the category: Waste/Recycling.

29 Nov 2006

Taking Transition Towns To Local Businesses – An Oil Vulnerability Workshop.

**Oil Vulnerability Auditing – a Workshop Organised by Envision and Transition Town Totnes, Follaton House, Totnes.
Presented by Simon Snowden of University of Liverpool.**

s1How does a project like Transition Town Totnes engage with the business community in the surrounding area? This is a question which is key to the success of the process, and something grassroots environmental projects have always struggled with. We were delighted then that Simon Snowden from the University of Liverpool came down a couple of weeks ago to run a workshop with representatives of 10 local businesses to explore this.

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1 Sep 2006

Transition Town Totnes flyer available.

ttt coverThe flyer for Transition Town Totnes is now done, is at the printers, and will be ready tomorrow. I thought those of you outside of the ‘pop into Totnes and pick one up’ radius would like to see it. It was done by the very creative, professional and patient Simon Blackler of Idealic in Ivybridge. Idealic is a South West Devon design agency specialising in corporate identity, concerned about the affects of climate change, wanting to work with companies who wish to work more sustainably, who I recommend wholeheartedly. You can download it here. Do feel free to print out and distribute or circulate in whatever way seems appropriate.

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14 Aug 2006

ASPO 5 – The Two Distinct Paradigms within the Peak Oil Movement.

pisaSo, rested and relaxed, it is back to blogging after a few weeks off. I have been staggered to note that the stats for **Transition Culture** have actually increased during this period when I haven’t actually been writing anything, not sure what the lesson is there… . Oh well. Anyway, my time away has given me plenty of blogging material, which I shall gradually work through in the coming weeks, which will include notes from the ASPO conference, interesting things from the Big Green Gathering, a new Meg Wheatley interview and various other bits and bobs. I wanted to start my reflections on the ASPO conference with my thoughts on the two very distinct paradigms in evidence there.

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26 Jun 2006

Muck Glorious Muck…

pooAccess to manure is an important part of maintaining soil fertility in an organic system, the problem can often be tracking down where to get it from. Humanure composting is not an option for everyone (or rather is *perceived* as not being an option), so manure it is. Before I get howls of derision from vegan gardeners out there arguing that there are ways of coping without it, I am aware of that, but for me, you can’t beat a nice bit of muck. Anyway, the question then arises as to where to get it from.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Compost Toilets, Food, Waste/Recycling

12 Jun 2006

5 Great Things About the Eden Project #2. The Recycling.

eden1The Eden Project has a Waste Neutral policy on site. Its recycling is clean and efficient, and everyone is encouraged to separate their waste. This is a picture of the tray you get your dinner on, a great example of how the Eden Project uses every opportunity to pass on messages in a positive “you are part of something really exciting here” way. It makes recycling something that you just kind of find yourself doing, rather than their having to nag.

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Categories: Education for Sustainability, Waste/Recycling