Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transport” category

Showing results 36 - 40 of 50 for the category: Transport.

25 Jan 2008

The Alarming Prospect of Helicopters on the London Underground.

undergrndTravelling on the London Underground yesterday I was alarmed at a sign posted on the window by British Transport Police (see left). The sign invited passengers, in the event of seeing a train being vandalised, to call a particular phone number. Seemed reasonable enough. What was puzzling though was the use, on a sign designed to reduce vandalism on Underground trains, of a picture of a helicopter. It left me puzzled and somewhat alarmed at how British Transport Police might be planning to reduce such crime in this era of dwindling energy resources and the need to urgently cut carbon emissions.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Energy, Transport

11 Dec 2007

Cornish Transitioners Take to Their Bikes to Raise Awareness About Climate Change.

**Cornwall Climate Change Bike/Bus/Train Relay for Transition on 8th December 2007. Climate Change Action Day.**

c9Anyone who was on a bike or waiting for a bus or train on Saturday could not doubt the effects of Climate Change, as a group of dedicated people carried messages from Mayors across Cornwall to Truro supporting Global actions to help the planet, and highlight the work of Transition Towns. On what was called by a Cornish weatherman ‘the worst weekend of the year,’ two cyclists from Penzance started from the Guild Hall at 10:00am and travelled to Helston, where at 12:00pm they passed the message from their Mayor and Mock Mayor to the Mayor of Helston, who adding his letter handed them on to 3 cyclists setting off for Falmouth.

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10 Oct 2007

Patrick Holden, Peak Oil, Local Food and Transition.

wiwo An excellent documentary aired on BBC Wales last night, called **Back to the Land**, which was part of a series called ‘Week In, Week Out’. In featured Patrick Holden, the director of the Soil Association, discussing peak oil and the impact that finding out about it had on his life and on how he farms his farm in Wales, as well as looking at the bigger implications of its ramifications for food and farming. It also included interviews with myself and some peak oil deniers, and sets out a strong argument that the transition to life beyond oil could actually bring many benefits to society. You can watch the film here for the next week.

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16 Aug 2007

New Transition Town Totnes Programme Announced!

innerTransition Town Totnes‘s Autumn calendar of events until Christmas is launched today. Building on the previous year’s highly successful work and programme of talks, events, Open Space days and workshops, the new programme looks like the best yet. Highlights include a talk by David Strahan, an evening called ‘Economics in Transition’, with Richard Douthwaite, Bernard Lietaer and David Boyle, Open Space days on transport, education and one for young people, a performance of the travelling show ‘This Farming Life’ which presents traditional song and archive film of farming on and around Dartmoor since 1920, and it all starts with TTT’s first birthday party, celebrating one year since the Unleashing. You can download the inside of the new flyer here and the outside here. The programme in full appears below, and printed copies will be available by September 1st.

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10 Aug 2007

Centre for Alternative Technology’s ‘Zero Carbon Britain’ Report.

catI didn’t get to many talks at the Big Green Gathering, but I did get to one excellent, and very important one, given by Paul Allen and Richard Hawkins of the Centre for Alternative Technology. The talk was to introduce the wonderful piece of work they have just completed, a report called Zero Carbon Britain. I think it is the most important piece of work CAT had ever produced, and is very important for Transition Initiatives too. In essence it is the first draft of an Energy Descent Plan for the UK, although its focus is largely on energy. The two of them presented the report, how it came about, and what its aims are, in a very accessible way. Here, reconstructed from my notes, is the general gist of their presentation.

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