Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Network” category

Showing results 121 - 125 of 132 for the category: Transition Network.

10 Mar 2009

Booking for the 2009 Transition Conference is now open!

The 2009 Transition Network Conference (theme: ‘Transition Everywhere’) will be held at the Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, London, SW11 5TN. It will run from noon on Friday 22-May through to 14:30 on Sunday 24-May.This is the main event in the annual Transition calendar and is the opportunity to immerse yourself in what is happening in Transition initiatives around the world. The 2009 conference will be our biggest yet, keeping the best of what has gone before and adding many new and exciting special attractions!

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: Transition Network

18 Feb 2009

Transition Conference 2009: Dates and Venue Announced

We are delighted to announce the details of the 2009 Transition Network conference. It will be held between lunchtime on Friday 22nd and lunchtime on Sunday 24th May 2009 at the Battersea Arts Centre in London. This is the main event in the annual Transition calendar and is the opportunity to immerse yourself in what is happening in Transition initiatives around the world. The 2009 conference will be our biggest yet, and will keep what has been best about the conferences held thus far (i.e. lots of Open Space and workshops, a football match, an Open Mike in the evening, socialising time) as well as adding some new and exciting elements…

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5 Feb 2009

Transition Network’s ‘Who We Are and What We Do’ Document Available

It has been along time in gestation, and we posted the text version of this a while ago, but we are delighted to present, in pdf. format, Version 1.0 of the Transition Network’s ‘Who We Are and What We Do’ document, lovingly designed by the good folks at MooreBlackett.  It was produced through several rounds of public meetings, the online forum, and with the input of many of you.  We are rather pleased with it as a document that captures what Transition Network is all about.  You can download a high resolution version here, or a low resolution version here. There will be some printed copies soon, contact Transition Network for details. We hope you find it useful and please do distribute it widely.

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2 Feb 2009

Transition Appears on Inside Out East Midlands

Here is a link to a rather good piece that appeared last week on BBC East Midlands, called ‘Energy Transitions’, with the subtitle “A look at how the East Midlands’ towns and cities are dealing with future energy issues”.  It features some film done at the Cities Conference, as well as a look at the work of some of the local groups there.  I particularly love the way she explains peak oil by walking over a bridge, very nice.  Here is how they describe the programme on the Inside Out website;

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27 Nov 2008

Transition Cities Conference, Nottingham Arena: Day 1

The first day of the Transition Cities Conference in Nottingham was a fascinating coming together of nearly 150 people from across the UK (as well as Sydney, Melbourne, Paris and Gent in Belgium), all hosted in the Nottingham Arena, supported by Nottingham City Council.  A few of us drove up from Totnes, leaving at 5am, and delays caused by an accident involving a huge Tic Tac lorry, meant we arrived with 10 minutes to spare before the start at 10am. 

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