Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Network” category

Showing results 116 - 120 of 132 for the category: Transition Network.

22 May 2009

Off to the Transition Network conference

battersea-arts-centre1Am off this morning to London for the Transition Network Conference 2009, which is going to be fantastic.  For those of you not coming, there are several ways you can keep in touch with what’s happening.  There is the premiere of the film ‘In Transition’ of course, which you can see online here at 1.45pm (UK time) on Saturday.  After the film you can send in your feedback and comments, some of which will be read out at Battersea.  Carl Munson at Transition Radio will be regularly uploading podcasts from the event, which you will be able to follow here.   There will also be a selection of bloggers sharing their thoughts and experiences here at Transition Culture.  Combined, it should be almost as good as being there.  For those of you who are coming from Transition initiatives with projects, Ben Metz from Ashoka would love to chat with you while you are there.  You’ll be able to track him down at the Ashoka stall.  See you there!

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20 May 2009

A couple of last minute places for the Transition Network conference…

Participants at last year's Transition Cities conference.

Participants at last year's Transition Cities conference.

I’ll be giving a last minute update about the conference in a day or two, but I have been asked to let you all know that due to some last minute cancellations we have an opportunity for a lucky few to book last minute for the Transition Network Conference which is happening from May 22-May 24. If you want one of these places please call Kristin on 07950542351. Places cost £85 which gives you access to the full smogasbord including workshops, open spaces, evening events, entertainment & lunch. It promises to be a wonderful weekend. For a peek at the programme see click here.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Transition Network

8 May 2009

A Couple of Short Transition Film Clips

Transition Brixton just posted a couple of clips from a recent event they ran about food.  The first clip features Rosie Boycott, London’s ‘Food Czar’, speaking about food security for the city.

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8 Apr 2009

This month’s round-up of stories from across the Transition Network

Transition Eudlo in Australian holding a 'permablitz'

Transition Eudlo in Australian holding a 'permablitz'

Here is the latest digest of Transition-related stories that I have picked up across the web over the last 4 weeks.  It offers an instructive and fascinating insight into where Transition has gone and what it is up to.  The diversity of projects is fascinating.  Apparently, Transition Town Exmouth’s “ranks have swelled to hundreds”, Transition Southport described as “environmentalists with a smile”, definitely a compliment in my book and Maple Ridge in Canada is considering ‘going Transition’.

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29 Mar 2009

Becoming a 2009 Ashoka Fellow

ashokaI am delighted to be able to announce that I recently became a Fellow of Ashoka, the international organisation that supports social entrepreneurs.  There are over 2000 Ashoka fellows around the world, doing amazing work.  I had never thought of myself as being a social entrepreneur, indeed I am still trying to work out quite what the term means, but it is a great honour to receive the support of this organisation, and what they can bring to the Transition Network is potentially fantastic.

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Discussion: 14 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Network