Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Network” category

Showing results 96 - 100 of 132 for the category: Transition Network.

26 Jan 2010

Transition: what’s it all about?

Andreas Teuchert filmed a series of interviews at the 2009 Transition Network conference, which he edited together around three key questions. Here is the first, the other two are posted below. Thanks Andreas, they turned out really well….

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26 Jan 2010

Visions of Transition

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8 Jan 2010

Seeking New Trustees for Transition Network!

drectorsTransition Network is looking for new Trustees.  We are looking for people who want to help support the organisation and the growing movement, as well as represent the diversity of the movement.  The following text sets out how Transition Network functions, as well as the qualities we are looking for in new Trustees.  Do have a think in your initiatives if there is someone you would like to nominate, or if you feel you would like to stand in your own right.  For the right people, this is a great opportunity to become more actively involved in the future direction of the Network.

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: Transition Network

8 Jan 2010

Dates for the Diary: the 2010 Transition Network conference(s)

The 2009 Transition Network conference at Battersea Arts Centre

The 2009 Transition Network conference at Battersea Arts Centre, pretty much the only point at which everybody sat in rows...

Lots of people have been asking for the date of the 2010 Transition Network conference, so here we go.  The good news for 2010 is that there will be not one but two UK Transition conferences!  The first will be held at Michael Hall School near Forest Row in Sussex on the 29th, 30th and 31st May 2010.  The theme of the conference will be ‘Broadening’, taking the Transition approach wider and deeper.  Being based near Forest Row, one of the earliest UK Transition initiatives, gives the opportunity to experience first-hand the amazing local food systems already in place there.  The second conference will be in Scotland, hosted by Transition Scotland Support, later in the year (s0metime October/November). The theme for that will be ‘Deepening’, and dates are to be confirmed.  More information, such as times, accommodation, prices and so on, will be made available soon.  Watch this space or the Transition Network website.

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21 Dec 2009

Transition Town Totnes Celebrates Emerging as one of DECC’s Low Carbon Communities

The TTT Christmas party just after the news was announced on Friday night

The TTT Christmas party just after the news was announced on Friday night

I am delighted to be able to announce that Transition Town Totnes has been selected as one of 10 ‘first movers’ in the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’, which I introduced here when it was launched in late September.  The scheme was run on incredibly tight timeframes, as any of the many other Transition initiatives who applied will attest, and it was a miracle, given the timeframes, that anyone got any bids together at all.  The ‘second movers’ will be announced in January. 

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