Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Network” category

Showing results 86 - 90 of 132 for the category: Transition Network.

21 Jul 2010

An Update from Transition Training and Consulting

Transition Training and Consulting (TTandC) is the part of the Transition Network specifically designed to engage with businesses and organisations in our communities, and deliver transition-related training and consulting services. Run as a social enterprise, any profits go to support the work of the Transition Network. This is the first of a regular series of updates from TTandC. It aims primarily to keep transition folk posted about the work we are doing, the services we are developing,  opportunities to help, and upcoming training sessions if you wish to join us.

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18 Jun 2010

Transition Jobs #1. Fundraiser…

Transition Network is looking for a part time fundraiser to join its team.  The function of the post is “to help fulfil Transition Network’s objective of supporting community-led responses to peak oil and climate change through building resilience and happiness, by maximising the short and long-term income for core and project costs”. You can read the job description and other information here.  To apply, send a CV and covering letter to Jo Coish at Transition Network, 43 Fore Street, Totnes, Devon. TQ9 5HN or via email to by Friday 9 July 2010.

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Categories: Transition Network

9 Jun 2010

A Remote Talk to Helsinki

I recently gave a presentation to a conference in Helsinki organised by the British Council in Finland, via. pre-recorded DVD. They then posted it online, so if you are interested, here it is…. .

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3 Jun 2010

Transition Network Conference 2010 Booklet Now Available

confbookletcoverHere’s what I’ve been doing for the last 2 weeks!  Everyone who comes to the 2010 Transition Network conference (starting in 8 days) will be given a 108 page booklet containing the programme of events, the complete guide to all the workshops, and the working draft of the ‘seeing Transition as a pattern language’ work I have been doing, and around which the conference, and the second edition of ‘The Transition Handbook’, is based (of which more in coming weeks).  You can download the booklet in two parts, the main document here (it is a big file, 8.64MB) and the cover here.  For those of you who are coming, here is an opportunity in advance to familiarise yourself with it.  For those of you not coming, here’s what you’re missing, there is still time to book.  If you find any typos, I don’t want to know, it has gone to the printers!

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12 Apr 2010

An April Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition (now with added film clips!)

postcarbongazetteHere is this month’s snapshot, derived from stories picked up through GoogleAlerts and lovingly compiled by Helen (to whom many thanks…), of some of what is afoot out there in the Transitionsphere.

Firstly check out the latest edition of Transition Town Worthing’s excellent ‘Post Carbon Gazette’, and Transition City Lancaster (who have their Unleashing next week!) have produced the ‘Lancaster Transition Times’, a newspaper distributed to over 20,000 homes in the area.  Over in Canada, TT Barrie has been supporting their local Ecofest Barrie and will host a Transition Oasis where people can relax, discover and celebrate healthy sustainable lifestyles with unplugged music, refreshments and reskilling classes.

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