Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Network” category

Showing results 51 - 55 of 132 for the category: Transition Network.

5 Sep 2011

In conversation with Transition US: a transcript

In July I did a ‘webinar’ thing with Richard Heinberg and Carolyne Stayton of Transition US, about how Transition is developing and about what will be contained in the ‘Transition Companion’.  With deepest gratitude to Rani of Transition Palo Alto, the poor soul who bravely transcribed it and must be utterly sick of the sound of my voice, here is the transcript.  We’ll be doing it all over again on September 12th, and you can hear the audio of the last one here. Maybe see you there.

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27 Jul 2011

A July Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Let’s start with Transition Town Kingston in Surrey who ventured out  on bikes and skateboards to celebrate a Zero Carbon day which included a fossil- fuel free time trial. Here is their report of the event, here’s a report from the local paper, and here’s a video about what they got up to:

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21 Jul 2011

My talk at the RESOLVE conference: a clever audio/slides thing

A couple of months ago I did a talk at the RESOLVE conference, entitled “Transition as Cookery”, and now, very kindly Stephen Hinton has taken the audio and the slides from the RESOLVE website and synched them together… hope you enjoy it.

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19 Jul 2011

Recording of yesterday’s webinar with Transition US

Had a great time yesterday on the webinar call thing to Transition US.  It lasted about 75 minutes and we covered lots of things.  We’ll be doing it again in September but for now, click here to hear the recording of the event.  The very end is especially good, when you can hear lots of the callers saying goodbye… lovely that was…  Thanks to everyone who organised it, especially Carl, Carolyne and Richard.

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12 Jul 2011

Some reflections on the 2011 Transition Network conference

We had a great few days at Hope University in Liverpool.  This will not be an attempt at a complete document of that event, you will find the most comprehensive record over at the Transition Network’s conference feed.  What I am going to share, with links to some of the key pieces of media from that feed, is some of the notes of my reflections at the end of the conference.  As the event drew to a close, I went around and asked people for their brief reflections on what they saw as the character unique to this conference in comparison to others.  Three words came up again and again, deepening, focus and maturity.

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