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Archive for “Transition Movie” category
Showing results 16 - 20 of 22 for the category: Transition Movie.
26 Mar 2009
Meribeth Dean from Canada visited Totnes a while ago to research an audiopiece for the programme Dispatches for the Canadian Broadcasting Company. The podcast of the programme is now available online here. It also contains an interview with Robert Hirsch. It’s rather good, give it a listen. The programme starts with Hirsch and then moves into the Totnes piece. I particularly like being referred to as ‘thin’ and ‘in his late 30’s’ (I’m 40).
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16 Mar 2009
It’s been a steep learning curve for Emma on the edit of the movie. Chris Watson has stepped back to work on another project that has come in leaving Emma to edit on her own. She’s never sat in the editor’s chair before and after being shown a few key buttons has started to put it together. “By the end of the day my brain is totally fried. I imagine it’s like playing a computer game all day long!” she saiys. It’s one thing to sit back and guide the whole process alongside an editor but it’s quite another to navigate a 7 track timeline and know all the shortcuts keys.
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4 Feb 2009
We’re now at the nail biting stage of the Transition film. We’ve done some filming…some footage has come in from places as far as Japan…but we haven’t started putting it all together yet. So it’s a bit leap of faith that it’s going to work. At this stage, I’m terrified there won’t be enough or the ‘right’ shots to make it work. I’m worried that the footage that’s coming in from all over the world is going to be unusable. But this is just a normal part of the creative documentary process…
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11 Dec 2008
Our trip to Wales was a success. We filmed Isabel Lovelock from Transition Llandeilo planting an orchard at the local primary school. The kids all got involved but I’m not sure they learned much about how to plant the trees. It was a bit of a photo opportunity with kids dressed in their cubs/brownies uniforms and a friendly policeman on site. Before we arrived, they hadn’t heard of Transition but when you point a big camera at something people are immediately interested. They certainly know about Transition now!
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14 Nov 2008
Things are really moving along on the Transition Movie. Chris Watson has been filming a garden share scheme in Totnes whilst Emma has filmed a couple of the EDAP workshops. Chris has also found some great stories in Cornwall, one of them being a car share scheme. He also filmed the Crediton Bag launch and interviewed the inspiring Modbury Plastic Bag Free lady Rebecca Hoskings.
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