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Archive for “Transition Initiatives” category
Showing results 416 - 420 of 578 for the category: Transition Initiatives.
22 Jun 2009

Home food production is an 'entry-level' survival tactic, says Scott McKeown.
Here is a very interesting piece from the North Bay Bohemian (great name for a paper), which offers an interesting update on the continuing spread of Transition in the US.
Cheer Up, It’s Going to Get Worse: Transition communities gear up for society’s collapse with a shovel and a smile
By Alastair Bland. North Bay Bohemian.
Three years ago, David Fridley purchased two and a half acres of land in rural Sonoma County. He planted drought-resistant blue Zuni corn, fruit trees and basic vegetables while leaving a full acre of extant forest for firewood collection. Today, Fridley and several friends and family subsist almost entirely off this small plot of land, with the surplus going to public charity.
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17 Jun 2009

Aha! A picture of Mary-Jayne giving her talk! Thanks to Mike G....
Mary Jayne Rust is an ecopsychologist and psychotherapist. At the 2009 Transition Network conference ‘Transition Everywhere’ event, she gave a talk called ‘Resilience of the Heart. It set out to address the following;
“Crisis has the potential to transform our hearts. This is a great gift. What might help us to be open hearted and resilient as we live through testing times? How do we build inner resilience, as well as resilient communities, so that we can endure and resolve conflict? What are the steps we need to take to find a different way of relating to ourselves, to each other and to the earth?”
You can download the pdf. of the entire talk here. Many thanks to Mary Jayne for the talk and for permission to post it here.
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15 Jun 2009
Quite a good article in the Telegraph on Saturday, High Street, High Noon, comparing how the recession is affecting Totnes and Chester, and how they are both responding. The reporter, Mick Brown, seemed to find his finding out about Transition rather fascinating, and following his trip to Totnes and his interviews here, he subsequently made a point of coming to the ‘Transition Everywhere’ event run as part of the 2009 Transition Network conference. A very thoughtful piece, avoiding (mostly) the temptation to write loads of stuff about Totnes being full of hippies, crystal shops and ‘gong showers’, and introducing, with care and respect, Transition thinking to the readers of the Telegraph. Quite an impressive achievement, introducing Telegraph readers to the idea that the end of economic growth might actually be quite a good thing!
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10 Jun 2009
For those of you who have been following the spread of Transition in New Zealand, you might find this interesting. Last week I took part in a discussion about Transition on Radio New Zealand, along with James Samuel (who has done so much to catalyse Transition there) and Gabrielle Young (of Transition Waiheke). The discussion looked at Transition in the NZ context and was, I think, rather interesting. You can listen to the piece by clicking here.
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4 Jun 2009
Goodness gracious. I’ve just got back from the Observer 2009 Ethical Awards, clutching in my somewhat bewildered hands the award for Grassroots Campaigner of the Year! Really not something I expected, I thought the other two contenders (John Stewart, HACAN, anti Heathrow third runway campaigner) and Georgina Downs (pesticide action campaigner) had much more chance than me. Anyway, event itself was in the terribly grand Kensington Roof Gardens in London, (oak trees and flamingoes on top of a hotel… no raised beds though), and was packed with the great, the good and the gorgeous of London… , felt terribly out of place.
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