3 Jul 2009
Sharon Astyk is one of the bloggers I most admire, one of the most insightful and incredibly prolific writers out there. It was fascinating therefore to read the two articles she recently posted, Permaculture Future Part One and Part Two. Her basic argument is that permaculture and Transition are, as we head into the Long Emergency, the only two shows in town in terms of positive solutions-focused responses, but are they up to it? Fair question. I hope in this post to try and address some of Sharon’s points, which as usual, are very well argued, and deserve a lengthy muse…
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2 Jul 2009
Roving Transition reporter and publisher of Transition Network News Mike Grenville sent the following report from an awards event in London at which Transition Town Tooting found out that they had been one of four projects selected from 178 applications to recieve funding for projects that bring art and responses to climate change together. The result is a great boost to Transition, and to Transition Town Tooting, who are doing hugely innovative and important work embedding Transition principles in the urban context…. congratulations all… and thanks Mike for the following report.
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1 Jul 2009
As part of the Totnes EDAP, we are creating this table (below), by way of illustrating the wealth of new employment possibilities that could be created in a community that seriously embraces the potential of Transition. There will of course be hundreds of things we have neglected to include. In the light of the continued ‘sharp contraction’ of the UK economy, we are arguing that the only way the area can revive its fortunes will be via. the Transition approach. One of the perks of doing Transition Culture is the ability to run work in progress by you to get your thoughts and input, and to have things that I hadn’t thought of pointed out to me. Please post your thoughts and additional livelihood opportunities below. Thanks.
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26 Jun 2009
Here is an excellent piece from the latest Orion magazine….
The Transition Initiative: Changing the scale of change
by Jay Griffiths
Published in the July/August 2009 issue of Orion magazine
A WHILE AGO, I heard an American scientist address an audience in Oxford, England, about his work on the climate crisis. He was precise, unemotional, rigorous, and impersonal: all strengths of a scientist. The next day, talking informally to a small group, he pulled out of his wallet a much-loved photo of his thirteen-year-old son. He spoke as carefully as he had before, but this time his voice was sad, worried, and fatherly. His son, he said, had become so frightened about climate change that he was debilitated, depressed, and disturbed. Some might have suggested therapy, Prozac, or baseball for the child. But in this group one voice said gently, “What about the Transition Initiative?”
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25 Jun 2009
Calling All Transitioners Going to Glastonbury!
There will be a stall at the Glastonbury Festival sharing information and experiences about Transition Towns. So far we have people from Glastonbury and Leamington. If you are also going to the festival, would you like to help out on the stall too? Please come and find us in the Big Tin Shack in the Green Future Field. You could bring along fliers or posters about what you are doing and add them to our display. If you have suggestions you want to share in advance you can get in touch with Kath on 07814 605245 or Linda on 07772655035.
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