Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Initiatives” category

Showing results 361 - 365 of 578 for the category: Transition Initiatives.

21 Dec 2009

What if they held a Climate Summit, and nobody came?

homeSo Copenhagen has been and gone, with no meaningful agreement being reached, and now the politicians and lobbyists have headed home having failed to do anything meaningful to address this staggeringly pressing challenge.  Hugo Chavez came up with the quote of the fortnight when he observed “if the climate was a bank, they would already have saved it”.  The gathering of the environmental/climate change movement in the Klimaforum with its dedicated bringing together of green luminaries and activists failed to have any meaningful impact on the proceedings, as did the mass street protests, designed to shame delegates into meaningful action and to draw a line in the sand.  In short, the responses that the alternative movement/protest culture/social justice movement usually rolls into action when such events take place, didn’t work.  So, might we do things differently next time?

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21 Dec 2009

The TTT Christmas Party

Thought you might like to see this short film of the TTT Christmas party, which shows the moment when we were able to tell everyone about the success of our Low Carbon Communities Challenge application.

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21 Dec 2009

Transition Town Totnes Celebrates Emerging as one of DECC’s Low Carbon Communities

The TTT Christmas party just after the news was announced on Friday night

The TTT Christmas party just after the news was announced on Friday night

I am delighted to be able to announce that Transition Town Totnes has been selected as one of 10 ‘first movers’ in the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’, which I introduced here when it was launched in late September.  The scheme was run on incredibly tight timeframes, as any of the many other Transition initiatives who applied will attest, and it was a miracle, given the timeframes, that anyone got any bids together at all.  The ‘second movers’ will be announced in January. 

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19 Dec 2009

Transition Town Totnes Appears on Al Jazeera

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17 Dec 2009

Open University Transition Films Now Embedded Here Too…

Here are those two films if you want to watch them here, although of course a visit to Creative Climate is also highly recommended.  Keen viewers will be able to see my runner beans growing in a couple of shots…

“Totnes: taking change into their own hands”.

“Brixton: Transitioning to a low-carbon economy”.

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