Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Initiatives” category

Showing results 31 - 35 of 578 for the category: Transition Initiatives.

21 Jan 2013

Transition, Permaculture and Peoplecare: an interview with Looby Macnamara


Looby Macnamara is a permaculture teacher and author of ‘People and Permaculture: caring and designing for ourselves, each other, and the planet‘.  According to the publishers, it is “the first book to explore how to use permaculture design and principles for people – to restore personal, social and planetary well-being. People & Permaculture widens the definition of permaculture from being mainly about land-based systems to taking it right into the heart of our own lives, relationships and society”.  I caught up with Looby via. Skype, and started by asking her how she came to the work that led to her writing the book (you can either listen to this podcast, or the transcript is below):

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14 Jan 2013

The British bean is back: an interview with Josiah Meldrum of Hodmedod, and a Transition Culture competition


Transition initiatives have spawned a number of fascinating new enterprises, and in today’s post we’ll be  looking at one of them you may not have come across yet, Hodmedod’s Great British Beans, which has emerged from work of Transition City Norwich and East Anglia Food Link.  What follows is an interview with one of its founders, Josiah Meldrum.  The beans project was first mentioned in an interview I did with Josiah for a Transition Podcast a year ago, and is now at the commercial stage.  Below you will find the audio of our interview which you can either play or download to listen to while you are planting out your garlic, the transcript, and, at the end, a competition to win some, and a code to buy some at a discount.  What a treat.  You’re going to enjoy this.  I love the bit when Josiah says:

“we discovered was that there was an assumption that no-one would want to eat the beans, but no-one had bothered asking anyone whether they wanted to eat the beans”.

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11 Jan 2013

New research focuses on Haddenham in Transition


Mallika Bhattacharya, a student at Oxford Brookes University, has recently published a research paper called “An Investigation of the Transition Movement as a Model for Sustainable Development: ‘Haddenham in Transition’” (click on the link to download).  Haddenham is a village in Buckinghamshire of about 8,000 residents, about 16 miles from Oxford.  The research looked at the group’s work, and the level of awareness of its work across the community.  The study aims to find out how aware and involved Haddenham residents are with Transition activities, what their priorities are for the village and what changes they would like to see, the Transition group’s current and planned activities and successes and issues within the initiative.  It’s a very useful piece of research with some useful insights for other initiatives.

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9 Jan 2013

A December Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

December is one of the quieter times for Transition initiatives, but even so, we’ve quite a packed December round-up for you.  We start, seasonally, with two Winterfests, a seasonal opportunity to celebrate and reflect on what a Transition group is up to.  We’ll start in Stroud, with this short film of the Transition Stroud Winterfest:

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7 Jan 2013

Change that spreads like mycorrhizal fungi


As I enter the final stages of editing the new book I have been working on, provisionally titled ‘The power of just doing stuff‘ (more information to follow), I am at the stage of, for one reason or another, cutting out perfectly good stuff that just doesn’t fit anymore (it’s a small book).  Seems a shame to waste them, so I’ll be posting a few here.  Here’s the first, which expands on something that got a mention in the video I posted here last week, the concept of thinking of Transition, and how it spreads, as being like mycorrhizal fungi. 

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