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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category
Showing results 201 - 205 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.
14 Mar 2006
Over recent months babies have been back in my life again, not this time through my own procreating (I have gone into retirement with such things, with a distinguished service record…) but through friends and family. Firstly my sister and her lovely man have announced that they are expecting (see scan, left), and that I will become Uncle Rob (a title of which I shall be inordinately proud) for the first time. It was a complete surprise and is deeply wonderful.
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6 Mar 2006
*This article on Energy Descent Planning and the Kinsale experience has appeared in various places now, but Permaculture Activist recently, in its Peak Oil edition, published this expanded and updated version. Several people have emailed and asked where they can get a copy of it, so here it is, by popular demand (I always wanted to be able to say that…). It was edited by PC Activist editor Scott Horton into US-speak, with ‘gosh’ and ‘crikey’ removed and replaced with ‘gotten’ and ‘eggplant’. Go tell your friends…*
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1 Mar 2006
Well, I know where I’d like to be at the end of April! How about this for the ultimate conference on peak oil and relocalisation as the response to it? The conference is called Local Solutions to the Energy Dilemma and has a dazzling array of speakers, including Steve Andrews,
Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Klare, James Howard Kunstler, Geoff Lawton, Andrew McKillop, Pat Murphy, David Pimentel, Megan Quinn, David Room, Michael Ruppert and Matt Savinar among a much longer list of others, all looking at the practicalities of economic relocalisation as a response to peak oil. Do check out their website and get along and support this event if you can.
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25 Feb 2006
*A couple of months ago at **Transition Culture** I explored the fact that I and others had been unable to think of a movie that showed a positive example of how a post-peak world could be. We could think of plenty of Matrix-style nightmare scenarios, but nothing that looked at how a low-energy future could be in such a way as it might be both achievable and desirable. I was delighted therefore to read **Albert Bates**’ article, which he has kindly given permission for me to reproduce below. I finally got to see the film in question the other day, and concur with Albert’s take on it, as well as thinking what a great film it was… .*
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24 Feb 2006
As regular visitors will know, **TransitionCulture** is fascinated with the visioning of peak oil scenarios, helping people to replace their default nightmare scenarios with positive visions of how a peak oil world could be. We need to have a clear vision of where we are going in order to be able to embark on the journey, in the same way that if we are trying to entice a reluctant friend to come on holiday with us we will need to tell him about how wonderful the place we are going is, the great food, the scenery, the relaxing beaches. We are therefore delighted to be able to help promote ****’s First Annual “Who Knows? Things Might Get Better
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