Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category

Showing results 191 - 195 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.

5 May 2006

Why Nuclear Power in not a Solution to Peak Oil – Part 4. How do you propose We Clean Up All The Mess?

nuclear waste I’d like you to imagine yourself about 50 years from now, in a post-peak world. We are assuming for the purpose of this post that everything more or less worked out OK, we managed to contract our economy and our consumer addictions to a point where our quality of life is much improved, where we live in local economies, with local food, local products, local currency and so on.

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2 May 2006

What Exactly IS Energy Descent?

peakThe term ‘energy descent’ is being used more and more to describe the period beyond the peak in world oil production. The concept is simple enough, the upwards left-hand side of the Hubbert curve we might call ‘energy ascent’, where each year there is more and more oil and gas available. Beyond the peak we can call it ‘energy descent’, where there is less and less available each year. For the paper I am writing at the moment I am looking to define what this much flung-about term actually means. I am attempting to draft a definition, and I would very much welcome your thoughts and input.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

28 Apr 2006

Willits comes to Kinsale!

KinsaleThings are moving ahead in Kinsale, some wonderful initiatives popping up. Louise of Transition Design has organised a seminar by Brian Wellar from Willits in California called **”How to move towards an Economically Localised Community”**. The event will take place on Saturday, 6th May 2006 at the Temperance Hall in Kinsale from 8:45am for 9am start, through to 5pm. It will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the amazing work being done in Willits, one of the most advanced localisation projects in the world, and how their experience can help to deepen the work underway in Kinsale.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

28 Apr 2006

Skilling Up for Powerdown – a Day in Dublin

skilling1Thirty people gathered at Dublin’s Cultivate Centre on April 20th for a World Cafe facilitated event called ‘Skilling Up for Powerdown’. The day was part of the Convergence Festival “Learning to Live with Less Fossil Fuels”, and was billed as “a community energy descent planning conference”, the first such event ever. The day was ably facilitated by Tara and Micheal from Second Nature, and was very productive, raising many ideas and insights which I will touch on in forthcoming posts.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

5 Apr 2006

Inquiring Mind

IMA copy of the latest edition of “Inquiring Mind” somehow arrived in my hands the other day, and a fine publication it is too. The subject of the Fall 2005 edition, Volume 22 No. 1, is Earth Dharma, and it pulls together many of the leading writers and thinkers exploring the interface between environmental thinking and Buddhism. Contributors include Joanna Macy, Gary Snyder, Paul Hawken and Helena Norberg-Hodge.

I was particularly touched by

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Categories: The 'Heart' of Energy Descent