Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category

Showing results 171 - 175 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.

12 Jul 2006

Stephan Harding on Peak Oil.

stephan**An Interview with Stephan Harding – Schumacher College 14th June 2006.**

**Stephan Harding** is the co-ordinator of the MSc in Holistic Science and staff ecologist at Schumacher College. He has lived and worked at Schumacher College since it began in 1991. He teaches Gaia theory, Holistic Science and Deep Ecology on the College’s short course programme and goes into these subjects in greater detail on Schumacher’s one year MSc Programme in Holistic Science. He is the author of ‘Animate Earth – science, intuition and Gaia’. Here he answers the 8 ‘Skilling Up For Powerdown’ questions that you’ll have already seen others answer here at **Transition Culture**.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Stephan Harding on Peak Oil.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Gaia Theory, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

29 Jun 2006

Meg Wheatley – The Power of Chaos – reconstructed from my cack-handed notes…

meg**Meg Wheatley** spoke at Dartington’s Barn Cinema on Wednesday 14th June as part of Dartington Arts’ Arts and Ecology Lecture series. I attempted to take notes as best I could but she spoke quite fast and so these notes are intended to provide just an overview of what she covered. Any mistakes here are entirely my fault. If you would like to watch the film of the talk you can download it

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27 Jun 2006

Away for the Day….

MIA brief post this morning as I am off to Bristol today for a meeting with Dr Chris Johnstone and Dr. Stephen Rollnick. We are meeting to have a half-day dialogue about how insights from addiction treatment and in particular the approach known as Motivational Interviewing might inform energy descent approaches. For a taste of what we might be talking about, have a look at the thread on Stephen’s website which has been running for a month or so now, and which raises some interesting points. Click on ‘discussion’, you need to register, but then you are looking for the thread called “MI use in community responses to Peak Oil?” At some point our dialogue will be transcribed and posted here….

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Discussion: Comments Off on Away for the Day….

Categories: Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

22 Jun 2006

Meg Wheatley on Peak Oil.

megwOn Wednesday 14th June I interviewed Meg Wheatley and asked her the 8 questions developed for the *Skilling Up for Powerdown* project. I also did a longer interview which focused more on Energy Descent Plans, which I’ll post as soon as I get it transcribed.

**Do you see Peak Oil as a crisis or an opportunity?**

I don’t see it as either. I see it as a lens, or mirror, that reflects what we really value in this culture. From that perspective

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19 Jun 2006

5 Great Things About the Eden Project #5. It Shows That Anything Is Possible … Even Powerdown.

eden1The thing that most touched me and which I most took away from my visit to Eden was the sense that anything is possible. Tim Smit had a vision, a vision of turning a clapped out and bleak old clay pit in one of the most depressed parts of the country into one of the most extraordinary places in the UK. He had no money, nothing much to speak of other than a vision and the passion with which to communicate it.

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