Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category

Showing results 111 - 115 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.

1 Oct 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of…#6. Nate Hagens.

nateI very much enjoyed the presentation by Nate Hagens called “A Supply and Demand Framework for a Full Planet”. Nate, among other things, is one of the editors of the Oil Drum. What was so good about his talk was that it came at the peak oil question from a completely different angle, and delved into areas not usually considered at peak oil conferences, in particular cognitive neuroscience. He began his talk using the analogy of the Irish Elk, which, prior to its extinction, had antlers that were 12 feet across.

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14 Sep 2007

Peak Oil, Transition Towns and Resilience Building. My Talk to the IFG Teach In.

My presentation to the IFG Teach In runs for 15 minutes and is divided into 3 sections. You can see them below. I think we ought to do a lot more sending DVDs of talks to conferences and staying at home. Perhaps we should see conferences as being more like the Oscars, a talk, a filmed greeting, some music, another film and another talk. Keep the media changing. Anyway, this is my attempt. If you were at the conference, did it work? Many thanks to Malcolm Baldwin for doing the filming, to Alex Munslow for putting it on YouTube and to Jerry Mander for being open to this experiment…

**Part One.**

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7 Sep 2007

Transition Town Totnes Celebrates Its First Birthday in Style.

cakeOn Thursday 6th September, a year to the day of its Official Unleashing, Transition Town Totnes celebrated its first birthday at the Royal Seven Stars Hotel in Totnes. The sell-out event was an opportunity to reflect upon the achievements of the previous year and to look ahead to where TTT might go next. Organised by the TTT Celebrations group who made the space absolutely beautiful and the event run smoothly, it was a great examples of John Croft’s exhortation that Transition initiatives should celebrate as often as possible.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Self Congratulation, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent, Transition Towns

15 Aug 2007

Interviews with Dr. Chris Johnstone on YouTube.

Dr. Chris Johnstone, author of Find Your Power was interviewed by Adrienne Campbell of Transition Town Lewes when he was in the town for their Unleashing a few months back. There are 6 films in all, each one a different question, and they explore the psychological aspects of Transition, I found them very insightful. I have recently been going back to Chris’s book, and I do think he offers some very important tools for this work.

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31 Jul 2007

Off to the Big Green Gathering.

I am off tomorrow to the Big Green Gathering, near Cheddar in Somerset, so tomorrow morning’s post will be the last until Monday. Thankfully the weather forecast looks good and like it won’t be the Big Brown Gathering which a week or so ago it looked like it might be. The BGG is rather wonderful, and is Europe’s biggest Green event, 5 days of talks, music, workshops, films, food, and all sorts of wonderful things, all powered by renewable energy. If you are going and are interested in such things, I am giving two talks in the Permaculture area, one on Friday at 4pm, and one on Sunday at 12.15pm. See you there!

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