Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category

Showing results 96 - 100 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.

24 Mar 2008

Positive Energy: creative community responses to peak oil and climate change. Day 2, Part Two, The Great Turning.

gt2In the session after supper, Joanna gave a clear and passionate explanation of the Great Turning, and what she means by the term.  You can read another, more detailed account of this session on the conference’s official blog.

We spoke before about the importance of gratitude. I want to speak now of the importance of gratitude for what is happening in our world today. In Paul Hawken’s ‘Blessed Unrest’ he describes this movement as being the largest social movement in history. It is not a movement reported in the corporate controlled mainstream media. It is momentous. It is a revolution.

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24 Mar 2008

Positive Energy: creative community responses to peak oil and climate change. Day 2, Part One

WThe second day of the conference began with Dorothy McLean, one of the founders of Findhorn, who describes herself as a ‘modern mystic’, talking about the evolution of Findhorn and her work communicating with Nature. You can read more about that here. This was followed by a quiet mindful walk outside, in the freezing wind, which was very calming and peaceful, although it benefited greatly from the kindness of the lady who gave me a hat.

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Categories: General, Positive Energy conference, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

21 Mar 2008

12 Tools for Transition: No.10. How to Run an Open Space Event

os1If you are a control freak, you will hate organising an Open Space event! It involves a lot of trust that the process will work but at the same time I have never seen or heard of one not working. Open Space is a powerful tool for engaging large groups of people in discussions to explore particular questions or issues. It can be used with groups from anything between 10 and 1,000 people. Open Space has Four Rules and One Law (the Law of Two Feet).

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19 Mar 2008

12 Tools for Transition No. 7: Making the most of your public events

lewesA film screening is much more than just an opportunity to sit a load of people in front of a screen. Likewise, a talk is more than just the chance to hear the musings of a well-known thinker on a particular subject. Both are opportunities to get people talking to each other, networking, building social connections. Indeed, one might argue that these are far more important than the film itself; they could, after all, just borrow the DVD and stay at home. It is also important that you work into these events what we might call “digestion time”, that is, time to chew over what people have heard, rather than just dumping information on them and then ending them out, blinking and bewildered, into the world. Here are some of the things you might expect at the average Transition Initiative film screening or talk:

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18 Mar 2008

The Transition Town Concept – From New Statesman magazine

The latest issue of New Statesman magazine contains a piece by Jonathan Dawson, as part of his ‘Life at Findhorn’ column, which looks at the Transition model and how people are thinking about it up there. Jonathan is one of the organisers of next week’s Positive Energy conference . He has long been involved in the eco-village movement, and this article argues that Transition offers a tool for applying the ecovillage concept to the wider society.

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