Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category

Showing results 61 - 65 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.

23 Mar 2010

Transition and resilience: an interview on Zoom’d

zoom'dI recently did an interview for the radio show Zoom’d Leadership with John D. Schmidt on the Voice America Talk Radio Network.  It was very enjoyable, and I think the final result turned out well.  You can hear it here, and download the podcast also.

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24 Feb 2010

Tim Kasser on ‘The Real Cost of Consumerism’, a talk in Totnes

Tim Kasser was recently in Totnes giving a talk, and the good folks at nu-project were there with their cameras. While Tim was in Totnes I also did an interview with him which I will be posting here over the next couple of days.

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21 Dec 2009

What if they held a Climate Summit, and nobody came?

homeSo Copenhagen has been and gone, with no meaningful agreement being reached, and now the politicians and lobbyists have headed home having failed to do anything meaningful to address this staggeringly pressing challenge.  Hugo Chavez came up with the quote of the fortnight when he observed “if the climate was a bank, they would already have saved it”.  The gathering of the environmental/climate change movement in the Klimaforum with its dedicated bringing together of green luminaries and activists failed to have any meaningful impact on the proceedings, as did the mass street protests, designed to shame delegates into meaningful action and to draw a line in the sand.  In short, the responses that the alternative movement/protest culture/social justice movement usually rolls into action when such events take place, didn’t work.  So, might we do things differently next time?

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17 Dec 2009

A Copenhagen Christmas Present from Naresh Giangrande

A Copenhagen Christmas Present: December 15th 2009. Copenhagen.

Coca Cola ads on billboards around Copenhagen

Coca Cola ads on billboards around Copenhagen

As many have now written, the Cop15 conference, which is focussed on creating a treaty that will prevent our climate from undergoing a systems state change and re-establishing itself in a new stable state that much less conductive to human survival, seems certain to fall far short of what is needed or fail completely. In describing what the treaty has to do I am calling attention to the meta narrative in the story of these negotiations. That is we have a self referential system, our economic and politic systems which takes little account of the ecology of our planet. We think in terms that ignore the basis of life.

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11 Dec 2009

Transition Reflections from Copenhagen: Naresh Giangrande blogs from COP15d

cop15The road from here. Copenhagen  10.12.09.  Naresh Giangrande

Klimaforum the people’s conference has started slowly. Maybe a 1000-2000 of us in many different locations feeling our way into perhaps the defining moment of our life and times which this conference represents and reflect the hopes an fears of our generation in a way that no other I have even been to does. There is a tension and an intensity that I have never felt before. Even though the first day felt a bit like a party conference, people wandering in and out of speeches that went on too long.

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