Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent” category

Showing results 56 - 60 of 230 for the category: The ‘Heart’ of Energy Descent.

10 May 2010

Totnes EDAP Launch Part Two: “the single most important book about Totnes ever published”

edapcivic1The Totnes Energy Descent Action Plan received a fittingly rousing welcome into the world on Friday night in Totnes Civic Hall, following on from the earlier parade through town and its announcement by the Town Crier.  Over a hundred people were treated to local Sharpham wine and nibbles in advance of the main event, buying copies of the EDAP and meeting friends.  The audience had been promised, in the event’s poster, ‘fine speeches’, which put those speaking under considerable pressure!  It turned out to be a fantastic and memorable event, one that welcomed the long-awaited EDAP into this community. 

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6 May 2010

Tooting’s Trashcatchers Carnival… Coming Soon!

tootinglogoI wrote a while ago about Transition Town Tooting in London, and their winning a grant to do the ‘Trashcatchers Carnival’ this summer.  Trashcatchers is a hugely exciting project, one that combines the arts, music and creativity as a tool for community engagement.  It is a huge project, and one from which Transition groups around the world will learn a great deal about engagement and diversity, and which will result in Tooting having the most almighty party that people will talk about for years!  As an update, here is a press release the TTT group just sent me.

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5 May 2010

Totnes Energy Descent Action Plan Website Launched Today!!


Ladies and Gentlemen.  It gives me the greatest pleasure this morning to launch the Totnes Energy Descent Action Plan website.  The site makes the full version of the UK’s first EDAP freely available, invites comments and discussion, and will act as a dynamic portal for people to discuss the Plan and reshape subsequent revisions.  It is the creation of the good folks at LumpyLemon, to whom we are greatly indebted.  Highlights include the oral history section, Liv Torc’s poem in the section on stories, the Totnes Energy Budget, the photoshopped visions of the future and, if one might suggest a sample chapter, the food section.  Copies of the printed EDAP are available here, and will be formally launched on Friday (do come).  God Bless Her and All Who Sail in Her (sound of tinkling glass as champagne bottle is smashed against the side of the website)….

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8 Apr 2010

A Book Group Study Guide Companion to ‘The Transition Handbook’

handbook study guide2From time to time I hear about people doing Book Clubs based around the Transition Handbook.  Thankfully, and entirely in a self-organising “wouldn’t-it-be-great-if-there-was-a-study-guide” kind of way, Joann Kerr, Susan Gregory, and Leo Brodie of Sustainable NE Seattle (the 19th officially-recognized Transition Initiative in the United States), decided to take matters into their own hands and create one.  Rather wonderful it is too, packed with activities and exercises to do with a group of people, it is quite special to think that my humble lil’ ole Transition Handbook would enthuse people sufficiently to create such a great resource. Download it here, take it, use it, let them know how it went….

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26 Mar 2010

Embarking on a Transition Tales Quest… on foot

stephI won’t be in Totnes on Monday, so I won’t be able to be part of the send-off for Steph Bradley of Transition Tales, as she sets off on the Transition Tales 2010 Quest, a six month walk around England to collect stories of positive change.  Armed with a raincoat, a pair of flipflops, a notepad laptop and, hopefully, a map, she will roam the land, collecting and telling stories. Given that I’m not around, I’ll wish her a safe, dry and inspiring trip here instead.  Please donate to support the walk here, you can find out more about her itinerary and whether she might be going anywhere near you here, and also Steph will be blogging from her travels, you’ll be able to follow the blog here. Here is the more detailed press release about the walk. 

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