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Archive for “Technology” category
Showing results 66 - 70 of 87 for the category: Technology.
28 Aug 2006
**Chris Skrebowski. Peak Oil and the Emerging Reality.**
*Chris is the editor or Petroleum Review and is a well known speaker on peak oil. He also uses very detailed Powerpoint presentations which he zips through so fast that comprehensive note taking is nigh on impossible! You can find his powerpoint here, which is well worth a read, as he is a challenge to even the most dedicated note taker! Here’s what I got down from his talk, for which I make no claims of completeness (it was very hot in that tent!)*
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18 Aug 2006
**Robert Hirsch. Mitigation of Peak Oil: Making the Case: more numbers and some questions.**
**Bob Hirsch** is the author of the deeply influential Hirsch report which has been referred to here on many occasions. I had really been looking forward to hearing him speak but found his talk hugely disappointing. You can see his Powerpoint slides here. I will give you my notes of his talk first, and my reflections on it at the end. It was one of those talks where you sit there thinking “did he really just say that?”, and eventually realising that yes, actually he did.
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14 Aug 2006
So, rested and relaxed, it is back to blogging after a few weeks off. I have been staggered to note that the stats for **Transition Culture** have actually increased during this period when I haven’t actually been writing anything, not sure what the lesson is there… . Oh well. Anyway, my time away has given me plenty of blogging material, which I shall gradually work through in the coming weeks, which will include notes from the ASPO conference, interesting things from the Big Green Gathering, a new Meg Wheatley interview and various other bits and bobs. I wanted to start my reflections on the ASPO conference with my thoughts on the two very distinct paradigms in evidence there.
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14 Jun 2006
**Wow**. The biomes at Eden are the largest greenhouses in the world and are utterly stunning. As you enter the biomes your breath is truly taken away. These massive structures are impressive from the outside, but it is from the inside that you really come to appreciate their majesty. They are truly mindboggling structures. The first thing that hits you as you enter is the heat, particularly in the tropical biome. Once you get in and start walking around, it is fascinating how they have actually used the space, and the amazing collection of plants they have assembled.
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8 Jun 2006
Last week I took my family to the Eden Project in Cornwall. I went fully expecting to be underwhelmed, and I have to say it completely blew me away. What a stunning thing. From the first sight of the place, everything was done so well and so thoughtfully, and was of such a scale, that it couldn’t fail to take away even the most cynical skeptic’s breath.
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