Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Social enterprise” category

Showing results 101 - 105 of 132 for the category: Social enterprise.

20 Oct 2011

The first Transition podcast! A visit to the Tres Hombres, tasting a revolution in shipping

Last week I did a course with the Media Trust on how to make podcasts (highly recommended).  So, here, with some fanfare, is the first ‘Transition podcast’, I hope you like it.  If so, do embed it in other places.  It means I spent the time I would spend writing editing pieces of audio.  Let me know what you think.  So, the podcast is about a fascinating morning I spent visiting the sailing ship Tres Hombres which visited Brixham earlier this week.  It explores the potential of sail-powered shipping as the price of oil rises and the economy tightens.  It’s an exciting story.

Here are some photos to accompany the podcast….

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11 Oct 2011

A new film about Transition in Scotland

Here is a great new film from Transition Scotland that was designed as something new initiatives could show that would give a sense of where Transition has got to in Scotland.  And rather good it is too…

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7 Oct 2011

Transition Toronto’s winning film! ‘The people in my neighbourhood’

Transition Toronto recently held a film competition for people to use film as a way of communicating Transition.  The winner was Mariko Uda with her film ‘The People in my Neighbourhood’.  Rather lovely it is too.  Here it is:

The judge, Gregory Greene, producer of ‘The End of Suburbia’, said of why he chose this film as the winner:

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6 Oct 2011

Giving Robert Socolow a Wedgie (so to speak)

In 2004, Steve Pacala and Robert Socolow published a paper in Science about climate mitigation which introduced the concept of ‘stabilisation wedges’.  This proposed that rather than waiting for some ‘magic bullet’, one amazing technology that would bring climate change under control, what was needed was the immediate and much expanded application of a combination of existing and proven technologies which, combined, would have the desired effect.  “Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problem for the next half-century” they wrote.  It was a timely and seminal approach.  But it strikes me that, given that their underpinning assumptions neglect a wider perspective in term of the ‘perfect storm’ of other challenges that increasingly keep climate change company in the “reasons-to-lie-awake-at-night” charts (powerfully described by Jeremy Rifkin recently), that it is in desperate need of a profound overhaul, rather than having been ‘reaffirmed’ by the intervening 7 years.

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5 Oct 2011

A September Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

The Green Valley Grocer in Slaithwaite.

From West Yorkshire here’s an exciting story to start with.  At the Colne Valley Local Food Festival, Marsden & Slaithwaite TT have joined forces with other local groups (Handmade Bakery, Edibles and Green Valley Grocer) to form a Declaration of Independence from the global network of food!  Go Colne Valley!  Here’s a short film about the Green Valley Grocer:

Part of this process has been developing a Colne-U-Copia brand for locally produced food.  A bold initiative we’ll keep an eye on in future round-ups.

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