Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Social enterprise” category

Showing results 66 - 70 of 132 for the category: Social enterprise.

4 Apr 2012

A March Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Our thanks to Gerd Wessling, co-ordinator of the German hub, for the following story from Germany:

“Sunday May 13th 2012 will be declared “In Transition 2.0 film and information day” in Germany, Austria and Switzerland!  We kindly ask all German, Swiss & Austrian Transition initiatives to self-organize screenings of the movie at that date in their regions/towns/cities.  More info for the organizers (in German) & about the coordination here.

A screening in Bielefeld is already fixed; see details here.  We would love to generate a lot of broad, positive reviews and excitement about the movie and Transition in general at that date in the German-speaking region(s) of the world”.

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3 Apr 2012

A new film from REconomy: The Totnes Local Entrepreneurs Forum

I wrote last week about the fantastic Local Entrepreneurs Forum that we held in Totnes a couple of weeks ago.  It brought together people with ideas for new enterprises, mentors and potential investors in an event designed for maximum cross-pollination and interaction.  It’s a simple concept that could work really well in most places, especially where a Transition initiative wants to really step over into explicitly catalysing a new economy for the place.  Emilio at nuproject has just made this rather fine film about the day:

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28 Mar 2012

Transition at the Social Enterprise Exchange in Glasgow.

The last leg of my week of dashing to various places (Dublin and London) took me to Glasgow for the Social Enterprise Exchange, the world’s biggest social enterprise event.  It was huge, loads of events with speakers such as Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Civic Society and Chuka Umunna, Shadow Business Secretary.  There were over 150 stalls from various organisations, including Transition Network’s REconomy stand which proved very popular (see below), and all in all the day was a huge statement of intent about the scale and ambition of the social enterprise sector.

I couldn’t stay all day unfortunately, but after the opening session, I took part in one called “More, better, faster – how can social enterprise grow?”  It was chaired by Susan Aktemel of Impact Arts, and featured myself along with Jim Mullan of KibbleWorks and Karen Lynch of Belu.  It was a very interesting session, here is the talk I gave at it:

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27 Mar 2012

A recent talk about Transition, interspersed with clips from ‘In Transition 2.0’

A few weeks ago I travelled to Brockwood Park, a very progressive school in Hampshire, to give a talk about Transition.  It was the first talk I have given that included clips from ‘In Transition 2.0’, which went down very well.  I had a great time there, thanks to everyone who made it such an enjoyable visit.  A few days after I went, they held their first Open Space to explore what becoming a Transition school would entail.

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Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0., Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Local Currencies, Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Social enterprise, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

24 Mar 2012

10 things I loved about being at ‘Change Nation’

I just got back from a great couple of days in Dublin at Change Nation (you can follow the event live here).  Change Nation was billed as a “social innovation platform” which brought together 50 social innovators from around the world to look at how their approaches might form a response to Ireland’s social, environmental and economic challenges (I was number 36).  The degree of support for the event from the highest level was a fascinating taste of how new thinking is starting to permeate Ireland’s reponse to its current difficulties.  Ashoka Ireland also know how to throw a great event.

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Categories: Climate Change, Social enterprise