Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Self Congratulation” category

Showing results 31 - 35 of 37 for the category: Self Congratulation.

30 Aug 2007

Transition Town Totnes’s First Birthday Party!

ppTo celebrate the first year since the Unleashing of Transition Town Totnes and all that has been achieved since, TTT is holding its First Birthday Party on September 6th at the Seven Stars Hotel. It will be an evening of Music, Comedy and Conversation, featuring, among other things, local poet legend Matt Harvey, the draw of the Amazing TTT Raffle, eco-celebrity birthday greetings (including a wonderful one from Alastair McIntosh), Bert Miller and the Animal Folk, competitions and films (a veritable multi-media pot pourri). The evening will conclude with Breton dance band Poisson Rouge and the opportunity to shake a leg or two.

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Categories: Self Congratulation, Transition Towns

26 Jun 2007

Transition Towns Going Virally Viral.

gmThis whole Transition thing is really quite extraordinary. I spent a morning last week at a TTT Project Support group meeting, getting a sense of all that is happening in the various projects, it is quite amazing. Then I got back to see an email from Ben Brangwyn, who co-ordinates the Network, with a list of all the communities who have been in touch and who are ‘mulling over’ becoming a Transition Initiative, eyewatering. It was over 90 towns, in addition to the 17 who are now already officially Transition Initiatives. And this from there only being two (Totnes and Kinsale) last September. The momentum is growing and feels really quite unstoppable.

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1 Jun 2007

Transition Network Inaugural Conference, Ruskin Mill, Nailsworth.

group picRepresentatives from 35 communities up and down the UK crammed into the beautiful surroundings of Ruskin Mill, in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, on Thursday 31st May for the Inaugural Conference of the Transition Network. The event was both an opportunity to network the many Transition Initiatives springing up around the UK and also an opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary momentum that the concept is generating. Despite the occasionally cramped nature of the space due to its being filled to its capacity (many more people were unable to come due to lack of spaces), it was an amazing day, full of energy, hope and possibility.

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9 Apr 2007

Pioneering Welsh town begins the transition to a life without oil – The Guardian. Saturday 7th April.

l2Great piece in the Guardian on Saturday about the Lampeter event. Came across very well, and hard to fault, other than the assertion that Totnes is in Cornwall! The article generated a lot of interest, and has also been picked up quite widely across the web. Here it is.

**As the supply of cheap fuel dwindles, rural Lampeter embarks on ‘energy descent’.**
**By Felicity Lawrence / Saturday April 7, 2007 / The Guardian.**

There is, as the ads say, no Plan B. The age of cheap oil is drawing to a close, climate change already threatens, and politicians dither. But the people of Lampeter,

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21 Mar 2007

Transition Town Totnes Gets Local Council Endorsement.

totOn Monday 5th March I gave a 15 minute presentation to **Totnes Town Council** at the Guildhall in Totnes, about TTT and what it is doing. The presentation was at their invitation and was an opportunity to officially bring the Council up to speed, despite some of its members having already attended some of our events. After my presentation, which was well recieved, the Council passed a resolution officially endorsing the work of TTT, which feels like an important and an historic milestone. The full resolution that they passed appears below;

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