Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Resilience” category

Showing results 331 - 335 of 401 for the category: Resilience.

21 Dec 2009

Transition Town Totnes Celebrates Emerging as one of DECC’s Low Carbon Communities

The TTT Christmas party just after the news was announced on Friday night

The TTT Christmas party just after the news was announced on Friday night

I am delighted to be able to announce that Transition Town Totnes has been selected as one of 10 ‘first movers’ in the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’, which I introduced here when it was launched in late September.  The scheme was run on incredibly tight timeframes, as any of the many other Transition initiatives who applied will attest, and it was a miracle, given the timeframes, that anyone got any bids together at all.  The ‘second movers’ will be announced in January. 

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15 Dec 2009

Naresh Giangrande interviews Tim Jackson

tim jacksonNaresh Giangrande recently sent a second epistle from Copenhagen, this time in the form of an interview with Tim Jackson.  Tim is the Economic Commissioner for the Sustainable Development Commission, and is author of ‘Prosperity Without Growth‘, which is brilliant, and which I am currently half-way through.  You can hear the interview by clicking this link here.  A fascinating look at what Transition Economics might look like…

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11 Dec 2009

Transition Reflections from Copenhagen: Naresh Giangrande blogs from COP15d

cop15The road from here. Copenhagen  10.12.09.  Naresh Giangrande

Klimaforum the people’s conference has started slowly. Maybe a 1000-2000 of us in many different locations feeling our way into perhaps the defining moment of our life and times which this conference represents and reflect the hopes an fears of our generation in a way that no other I have even been to does. There is a tension and an intensity that I have never felt before. Even though the first day felt a bit like a party conference, people wandering in and out of speeches that went on too long.

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11 Dec 2009

Two Short Films from Transition Town Totnes

A couple of filmmakers are living in Totnes making a film about Transition, and in the process are making some short films documenting some of the TTT events taking place. Here are two short films they made, the first is about the brilliant TTT Winterfest event run a couple of weekends ago, which I haven’t yet blogged about but no longer need to now…

…and the second is about the ‘How We Used To Live‘ event the previous week….

Our thanks to them for making these records of TTT, I wish they had been here since the beginning, what an amazing archive there would now be!!

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4 Dec 2009

What It Looks Like When a Local Authority REALLY Gets Transition… the Monteveglio story….

monteveglio1So what might it look like when a local authority really gets Transition?  Earlier this week I received a very excitable email from Cristiano Bottone, one of the movers behind Transition Italia, and the Transition of his own town, Monteveglio, near Bologna.  “Monteveglio‘s local authority signs a strategic partnership with “Monteveglio Città di Transizione”….This is a revolution for this country, believe me. Thank you for all your help. I love you  ;-)”.    So what did the Monteveglio authorities actually sign up to, why is Cristiano so excited about it, and  what does it mean?

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