Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Resilience” category

Showing results 316 - 320 of 401 for the category: Resilience.

1 Mar 2010

A Short Film About the Totnes Nut Tree Project

Those good folks at the nu-project are going great guns, acting as ’embedded film-makers’ in Totnes… I just wish we had had them around from the very start, what an amazing record it would have been… anyway, here is their latest, a short film about the nut tree plantings that have been taking place in Totnes this winter….

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24 Feb 2010

Tim Kasser on ‘The Real Cost of Consumerism’, a talk in Totnes

Tim Kasser was recently in Totnes giving a talk, and the good folks at nu-project were there with their cameras. While Tim was in Totnes I also did an interview with him which I will be posting here over the next couple of days.

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23 Feb 2010

An Interview with Mike Small of the Fife Diet

mike smallAt the recent Soil Association conference in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago I cornered Mike Small of the Fife Diet and asked him a few questions about what is happening in Fife.  Their work has huge implications for Transition, as well as offering some fascinating insights into the practicalities of the relocalisation of the food system.  I started by asking Mike how the Fife Diet got started.

“So we launched at the Big Tent Festival. It was a rainy day and we got people together in a tent talking about local food. I suggested this and people thought it was a good idea. So we tried to do it for a year, almost a hundred per cent. So for example, we allowed ourselves to drink coffee, but other than that all our food was sourced from Fife.

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22 Feb 2010

Transition Sunshine Coast delivers EDAP

Sonya Wallace (L) and Janet Millington with the Sunshine Coast Energy Descent Action Plan.

Sonya Wallace (L) and Janet Millington with the Sunshine Coast Energy Descent Action Plan.

Transition Sunshine Coast is very pleased to announce they have delivered their Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The Sunshine Coast EDAP covers the entire region of the Sunshine Coast located in Queensland, Australia which has a population of 330,000+ and covers an area of more than 3100 square km.

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22 Feb 2010

Joanne Poyourow on Solidarity

joanneJoanne Poyourow has been rather busy recently, posting some very insightful pieces about the broadening and the deepening of Transition.  From asking whether Transition is a movement or an organisation, to exploring issues of diversity in Transition.   Here is my favourite, an excellent piece recently posted by Joanne over at the Transition US site, which focuses on the issue of solidarity.


  1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
  2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.

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