An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent
Transition Culture has moved
I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.
Just finished reading, on the train home from the talk I gave last night in Godalming, the draft of Alexis Rowell’s forthcoming book, “Communities, Councils and a Low Carbon Future: what we can do if governments won’t”. It is shaping up to be an excellent immersion in how to engage with your local authority, in what is already happening in Councils across the country, and what it looks like when Councils and Transition groups work together. Anyway, for his book, we need to gather as many good pictures of Transition groups and local Councils interacting. If you have any pictures of events you have done with your local Council, posters, trainings, times when Council representatives have spoken at your events, and so on. Anything you’ve got, we’d love to see it. Email them to, and I’ll forward them to Alexis…. Thanks!
When we talked before, you mentioned some practical stories about how people in the US and how people in Transition projects were making use of the Crash Course – could you tell us about those?
Certainly, a number of people have used the Crash Course to great effect. It’s available online for free but not everybody watches 3½ hours of material on a computer, and it really wasn’t my intent for people to sit down alone and watch 3½ hours of stuff on the computer. It’s meant to be shared. So we produced it as three separate discs – they come in a single DVD case – and each of those discs is an hour and a half or less, and that was produced so that people would take that and bring it to their communities, maybe run three separate sessions a week.
Here is a guest post from Sophy Banks from Transition Training, recording a recent workshop held just outside Totnes exploring Co-Creating Earth Based Communities.
“The weekend of 14 – 16 May 2010 saw the first joint venture between Transition Network and Process Oriented Psychology, shortened to POP or Process Work, in the form of a weekend workshop on “Co-Creating Earth Based Community”. Thirty two people attended, a mix of people training in Process Work, those from the Transition movement, and several who are involved in both.
A while ago, Peter Lipman and myself did an interview with Chris Martenson when he was in Bristol as part of his tour of the UK. We did an extensive and far-ranging interview, which was absolutely fascinating. Unfortunately, the memory card in my recording machine was irreparably damaged shortly thereafter and the interview lost, and so, a couple of weeks ago, we repeated the exercise, this time over the phone. This ‘second-time lucky’ interview covers much of the same ground, and proved to be just as fascinating.
How might our response to peak oil and climate change look more like a party than a protest march? This site explores the emerging transition model in its many manifestations
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