An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent
Transition Culture has moved
I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.
Here’s a press release from Transition Town Tooting about yesterday’s wonderful Trashcatchers’ Carnival….
Tooting Trashcatchers Carnival stops the traffic.
Traffic on Tooting High Street came to a stop today when the Tooting Trashcatchers Carnival came to town! Over 800 participants from local schools, community groups and clubs took part in this unique carnival made almost entirely from household rubbish. Over 1 million plastic bottles and shopping bags, half a million crisp packets, half a ton of renewable willow and half a ton of materials were collected over a six month period to create this extravaganza. Check out the great piece on local ITV News… and this film, filmed from the Turtle, which gives a flavour of the event…
Here is a fascinating short film about Transition Heathrow, which has emerged from the proposed (and now scrapped) Third Runway at Heathrow Airport, and is now focused around a community garden project called ‘Grow Heathrow’, a wonderful reclaiming of a derelict market garden site. It will hopefully spark an interesting discussion here about how Transition and activism come together … thanks to the JustDoIt people for making the film…
As the final arrangements are made for this weekend’s Transition Network Conference (the weather forecast is looking good, by the way!), a newly released report from Lloyds Insurance and Chatham House does an amazing job of putting the case for Transition to a business audience (you can download it here). Although given the mad, pre-conference swirl, I haven’t yet read it in detail, its conclusions are striking, indeed quite extraordinary, and I have reproduced them below. Nothing about the role of communities, but then this is a report aimed at business. It does, however, state that any business seeking to be successful in the future will need to be prepared for ‘dramatic changes in the energy sector’, and that energy dependency will become a key vulnerability. It is interesting also that it arrives just after the new UK government announces it is commissioning a review of global resource scarcity and how it will affect the UK. This is, in effect, the Hirsch Report for British business… and provides the perfect case for the work that Transition Training and Consulting are now doing with businesses.
Last year I spoke at the Hay Literary Festival as part of a series of talks that the New Economics Foundation organised. They were very well attended and brought some great speakers together. Now a small book has been produced by nef, edited from transcripts of those talks, and a wonderful little gem it is too. You can order hard copies from nef here, or download it free here.
I recently gave a presentation to a conference in Helsinki organised by the British Council in Finland, via. pre-recorded DVD. They then posted it online, so if you are interested, here it is…. .
How might our response to peak oil and climate change look more like a party than a protest march? This site explores the emerging transition model in its many manifestations
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