22 Jul 2011
What Transition Houston are up to
Let’s end the week with a short film. Here’s a great film about Transition Houston in the US… have a good weekend…
Transition Culture has moved
I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.
Come find me at robhopkins.net
Showing results 146 - 150 of 401 for the category: Resilience.
Let’s end the week with a short film. Here’s a great film about Transition Houston in the US… have a good weekend…
The ingredients in the forthcoming ‘The Transition Companion’ are nearly done, but a few have spaces we need to fill, such as this one called ‘How are we doing?’ and I’d love to add your stories to it. It looks at the value of initiatives stopping to evaluate what they are doing, reflecting honestly before adjusting what they are doing and continuing. They might use Open Space, World Cafe, Appreciative Inquity, Fishbowl, or any range of other things. I’d love to hear your stories, in no more than 300 -350 words. about your Transition initiative’s experience of doing that. How many people came? What did you do? What did you learn from it? You could either post below or email me at rob (at) transitionculture.org. To get your thoughts flowing thus far, here is the main text for that ingredient. Thanks!
A couple of months ago I did a talk at the RESOLVE conference, entitled “Transition as Cookery”, and now, very kindly Stephen Hinton has taken the audio and the slides from the RESOLVE website and synched them together… hope you enjoy it.
Had a great time yesterday on the webinar call thing to Transition US. It lasted about 75 minutes and we covered lots of things. We’ll be doing it again in September but for now, click here to hear the recording of the event. The very end is especially good, when you can hear lots of the callers saying goodbye… lovely that was… Thanks to everyone who organised it, especially Carl, Carolyne and Richard.
Fujino in Japan was the 100th formal Transition initiative. Here is a great short film where the wonderful Hide Enomoto gives an update as to what has happened there since then…