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Archive for “Positive Energy conference” category
Showing results 11 - 15 of 23 for the category: Positive Energy conference.
27 Mar 2008
I realise I am proving a fairly hopeless Positive Energy blogger, as I am already a day behind with my blogging duties (Rowan is being far more productive than I!), so I will try and catch up. On arriving at Findhorn it was suggested to me by Jonathan Dawson that I might in fact tear up the presentation that I had brought with me and instead do something which reflected the journey that the event took me on. It turned out to be a great suggestion, but it did mean that most of yesterday afternoon, the Open Space sessions, I missed, as I was working out my presentation. The morning, however, featured two wonderful presentations, by Megan Quinn (left) and Jonathan Dawson.
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26 Mar 2008
Today I had a lie-in until about 12 it was lush I feel revitalised, today I’m going to do my blog slightly differently to normal:
Today I am going to do the day in thirteen different steps.
- Sleep.
- Sleep again.
- And a bit more for good measure.
- Wake up at about 12 and stumble into a freezing shower
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26 Mar 2008
Today was sound, the presenter or speaker today was Richard Olivier who combines Shakespeare’s work with eco stuff. The play we were doing today was ‘As you like it’ which was good as well as being funny, in the first session today Richard told us the play and in the second half of the session talked about the character we where most interested in and the part of the story we felt we were at.
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25 Mar 2008
Richard Olivier is the founding voice within Mythodrama and he works at the leading edge of bringing theatre and the arts into the development of authentic leaders. He has been a leading theatre director for over 10 years. His workshop was called the Journey of Renewal in Shakespeare’s As You Like It. For Richard the play has many parallels with Great Turning and the times in which we live. The play is about leaving a Garden of Eden and then returning to it.
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25 Mar 2008

The afternoon session focused on Seeing with New Eyes. For this session, Joanna gave an overview of systems thinking, arguing that the time of the Great Turning will be a time of a return to a deep understanding, to what Tich Naht Hanh calls ‘Interbeing’. When we go out into the world to take our part in the Great Turning, we need more than just our feelings, they come and go, we also need a grounding in the new comprehension of the world that is emerging in systems thinking.
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