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Archive for “Positive Energy conference” category
Showing results 6 - 10 of 23 for the category: Positive Energy conference.
21 Apr 2008

On the final day of the Positive Energy conference, I took some time out with Joanna to do a short interview for Transition Culture. She has kindly gone through this transcript and corrected any mistakes I have made, so I hope it represents an accurate record. The night before the interview she had had a sleepless night, something she refers to in the interview. In most things I read by Joanna there are sentences that jump out at me and which I then go on to quote at length. Here, I love her reference to the need to become “freed from continually computing our chances of success”…
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31 Mar 2008
Today started with bacon, which made a lovely change from cornflakes and apple and got me ready for the days first session, which was Richard Heinberg, who was amazing and really drew every thing together by telling us what positions that we’re in and how much longer we can go on for like this (as in the oil dependent lifestyle), basically we can’t.
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31 Mar 2008
This has been an extraordinary week, one I feel privileged to have been a part of. The design of the week worked very well, taking the participants on a journey through inner work to setting an intention and then exploring practical responses. In many ways Findhorn was a perfect setting for it as, as a community, it continues its own transition from a focus mainly on inner work to one also on outward engagement and applied Earth Repair. As a laboratory of sustainability, or as Jonathan Dawson put it, a monastery, it provided the perfect venue for the week, a place to unwind, relax, refresh and reinspire.
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31 Mar 2008

The final day began with rain driving on the bedroom window. This extraordinary week at Findhorn had offered us a year’s worth of weather in one week. Snow, sleet, an odd kind of snow I’ve never seen before that looked more like polystyrene pellets than actual snow and that actually bounced when it hit the ground, sun warm enough for people to lie on the grass to soak it up, hard frost, strong chill winds and now, driving rain.
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27 Mar 2008
Today was quite a relaxed day and mainly comprised sleep, in or out of talks. The day started off to another bowl of the ever-neutralising apple and cornflakes bathed in milk. We then headed to the first session where this dude was talking about community owned sustainable energy systems, yep pretty break through stuff, whoop whoop whoop.
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