Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Politics” category

Showing results 151 - 154 of 154 for the category: Politics.

9 Feb 2006

Motivating Sustainable Consumption Report

motivatingI have been reading this document recently and it is wonderful, so I thought I would recommend it. Motivating Sustainable Consumption is a report produced by Professor Tim Jackson for the Sustainable Development Research Network. It explores the latest thinking and research relating to what it is that affects peoples behaviour in relation to environmental issues. How can policies and processes best influence people in changing their lifestyles?

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Discussion: Comments Off on Motivating Sustainable Consumption Report

Categories: Community Involvement, Politics, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

30 Jan 2006

Nuclear vs. Wind Farms Debate – rather misses the point.

nuclear On Radio 4’s Any Questions last week (for those of you from outside the UK it is a political questions and answers type show with leading politicians on the panel), the issue came up of whether nuclear power was the way forward for the UK. The panel included

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

25 Jan 2006

Kuwait – the tumbling house of cards…

fallingdownLast week Petroleum Intelligence Weekly reported a leak from within the **Kuwait Oil Company** which revealed that Kuwaiti oil reserves are actually around half what they have been reporting for the last 20 years, down from 99bn barrels to 48 bn barrels. While this should have been the biggest news story of 2006, and splashed across headlines around the world, it was reported by Reuters, but other than that barely made any of the papers I searched through for it. In a nutshell, overnight the world lost 5% of its total oil reserves, and that could just be the tip of the iceberg.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Politics

24 Jan 2006

Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback

dollars*Here is an article I just came across which struck me as really important, and which you should read in order to make sense of events happening around Iraq at the moment. I don’t make a habit of posting articles from elsewhere, but this is an important piece. International events make much more sense when we understand what is going on behind the scenes.*
**Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback** – by Mike Whitney of

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Economics, Peak Oil, Politics