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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Politics” category

Showing results 146 - 150 of 154 for the category: Politics.

16 Mar 2006

Some thoughts on Syriana

SyrianaOf course those of you who read **TransitionCulture** from the US will have seen this film months ago, but it only just reached the misty shores of South Devon. I went to see it last night at Paignton Cinema, and thought I would attempt to record some thoughts about it. Trailed on some peak oil websites on its release as the first “peak oil movie”, it was clearly something that had to be seen, not least to see how Hollywood might deal with such a complex issue. George Clooney was one of the producers, and it is one of a couple of quite politically thoughtful films he has made recently. But is it any good?

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Politics

28 Feb 2006

Eco-Build ’06. Talk No.1. Stephen Tindale – Greenpeace

**Eco-Build ’06. Talk No.1. Stephen Tindale – Greenpeace**

tindale*Over the next 3 days I will report on 3 of the best talks I attended at EcoBuild. While my notes are not comprehensive, I hope they will convey something that you will find useful*. Stephen Tindale is the Executive Director of Greenpeace UK, and his talk was called Tackling Climate Change. Much of his talk was arguing the case the climate change is a reality, which I won’t talk too much about here as I am assuming the if you are visiting **** you are already familiar with the concept. He argued that rather than a long term problem, there is actually a very small window of opportunity in which to be able to address the problem. What interested me most was at the end of his talk when he addressed energy use in buildings.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Eco-Build ’06. Talk No.1. Stephen Tindale – Greenpeace

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Politics

27 Feb 2006

Steve Bell on Iraq

Steve BellThe wonderful Steve Bell hits the nail on the head again about the situation in Iraq. Brings to mind the talk by Stan Goff on Global Public Media where he says that an exit strategy from Iraq is not a strategy at all, but a command, ‘everybody out in three months’… .

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Discussion: Comments Off on Steve Bell on Iraq

Categories: Politics

14 Feb 2006

Iran as Nuclear Threat? – don’t believe the hype.

iran nextThings get more worrying each day as regards Iran and the US and Britain’s sabre rattling in their direction. I want to draw your attention to two articles and two books that will help you to make sense of what is going on at the moment. The Iran Crisis and Peak Oil by Charles Whalen sets out very clearly what he thinks is going to happen over the next few months, and it won’t be pretty. He talks of US military action leading to oil prices over $300 a barrel and to a meltdown in the Middle East.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Iran as Nuclear Threat? – don’t believe the hype.

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

10 Feb 2006

Peak Oil, the Loch Ness Monster and Energy Descent.

nessieOK, its a tenuous link but stick with me. Last week President Bush announced that the US is ‘addicted to oil’. He unveiled his version of what is going to be done about it, which doesn’t really come close to what actually needs to be done, and seems to amount to letting his friends build lots more nuclear power stations to produce hydrogen to keep the cars on the road, but I suppose we should see it as some kind of a start. It did however raise for me the question as to what we ‘peakniks’ are supposed to do once everyone cops on as to the reality of peak oil. If George Bush

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