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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Politics” category

Showing results 121 - 125 of 154 for the category: Politics.

17 Nov 2006

A Review of “An Inconvenient Truth”.

g1**’An Inconvenient Truth’**, as you’ll all be aware, is Al Gore’s film about climate change. In essence it is a record of the lecture he has given to audiences all over the world, intercut with asides and reflections on Gore’s life and experiences. Climate change is often an area where one can feel out of one’s depth in graphs, charts and statistics, but what is so powerful about this film is that it makes the whole subject comprehensible to the lay person. Such a thing could be dry and dull, yet it is completely engrossing. It is well edited and paced, I have to say I was on the edge of my seat. As a film designed to shock the world into action, it is very powerful and, hopefully, effective.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Politics

8 Nov 2006

The Oil Depletion by Richard Heinberg – A Review and Competition!

**The Oil Depletion Protocol – a plan to avert oil wars, terrorism and economic collapse by Richard Heinberg. (2006) Clairview Books.**
**See Below for a Chance to Win a Copy!**

odp**Richard Heinberg** is the author of The Party’s Over, many peoples’ first introduction to the subject of peak oil. It was the first book to explain the concept in a clear and accessible way for people with no background in petroleum geology (myself included). However, while many writers are still chewing over whether or not peak oil is a reality, and haggling over the exact date when it might occur (2006? 2010? 2030?), Heinberg is moving on, exploring its implications and what can be done to prepare for this historic transition.

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11 Oct 2006

A New Peak Oil Film – Oil, Smoke and Mirrors.

osm1I just watched a new film produced by Ronan Doyle called Oil, Smoke and Mirrors, which you can watch online. While not a classic addition to the peak oil cinema, it is a well-made and thought provoking exploration of the links between peak oil and the events of 9/11. I found it especially intriguing to see Richard Heinberg being more outspoken on the 911 question than I have ever seen before.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

6 Oct 2006

A Review of Legacy by Joanne Poyourow.

legA couple of weeks ago I asked if anyone out there in **Transition Culture**-land would like to review Joanne Poyourow’s book Legacy which she very kindly sent me to review. With the pile of books next to my bed in danger of causing serious injury should it topple over during the night, I decided to delegate, and Robert Morgan of The Green College nobly took up the baton. The book attempts to tell the story of the transition from the present to a sustainable society, something I have long argued to be a powerful tool, helping people to imagine how that journey might be. Unfortunately our guest reviewer Robert Morgan was somewhat underwhelmed… here is his review.

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4 Oct 2006

Transition Town Totnes – The Story So Far by Naresh Giangrande.

tot1*My TTT colleague and fellow peak oil activist Naresh Giangrande wrote this piece as notes for a talk he gave to Totnes Friends of the Earth last night, and I felt it gave such a good overview of the project and what it is doing that I asked him if I could post it here. Naresh runs Living on the Cusp, and runs workshops around the country on preparing for peak oil.*

Transition Town Totnes began the with understanding that we are facing imminent social collapse. Not the slow but steady social collapse that FOE, Greenpeace, the Club of Rome, and others have been warning about for decades now,

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