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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Politics” category

Showing results 101 - 105 of 154 for the category: Politics.

23 Jan 2008

Biofuels, Transition and Divergent Visions of the Future of Farming.

posterOn the 16th January I attended a great event in Wadebridge in Cornwall called **The Decline in Oil: are you worried by the rising price of oil?**, which had been organised by Duchy College Rural Business School, the NFU, Climate Friendly Endillion, Transition Penwith and the Soil Association Organic South West. Held in Wadebridge Town Hall, the evening was attended by a crowd of about 140, of whom about 40 were farmers and the rest of whom came from Wadebridge and further afield, from some of Cornwall’s other Transition Initiatives.

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26 Sep 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of… #4. Eamon Ryan.

er**Eamon Ryan** is a Green TD, and now Ireland’s Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. I first met him in 2005 when he came to speak at the Fuelling the Future conference in Kinsale. At that stage the Greens were just a small opposition party, and Eamon, already on board with peak oil having attended ASPO 4 in Lisbon, gave a compelling presentation about Ireland’s energy options. Two years later, having also attended ASPO 5, following a Fianna Fail’s failure to win an overall majority, the Greens are now in a coalition government, and Eamon is Energy Minister.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Politics

24 Sep 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of … #2. “We Are All Peakists Now”.

s2In theory this should be “In Praise of Dr. James Schlesinger”, but I can’t quite bring myself to praise someone who used to be the head of the CIA and was the former US Energy Secretary who allegedly proposed the invasion of Saudi Arabia in order to protect US oil interests. Rather it was what he had to say that was praiseworthy and rather fascinating. Schlesinger’s message to the conference was summed up in his statement was “we are all peakists now. Conceptually the battle is over, the peakists have won”.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Climate Change, Peak Oil, Politics

13 Aug 2007

Getting Naked to Save the Planet.

nb1At the Big Green Gathering one can learn a great deal. All kinds of workshops and talks are available, but one of the things I had no idea about before the Gathering was the World Naked Bike Ride. Once a year, in cities all over the world, people strip naked and ride their bikes, to raise awareness about oil dependency, body freedom and need need to curb car culture. This year’s happened in London in June. You can watch an excellent film about the Bike Ride here. The London Naked Bike Ride is the biggest in the world. At the BGG, a spontaneous naked bike ride took place, which was very entertaining.

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Peak Oil, Politics

1 Aug 2007

Totnes Pounds Raised in the House!

commonsI was fascinated to see that Totnes MP Anthony Steen raised both Transition Town Totnes and the Totnes Pound in a question in the House of Commons a couple of weeks ago. This is in the wake of the piece he wrote in the local papers, waxing lyrical about TTT. In Questions on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the subject of local food production, he managed, in one question, to cover peak oil, the fragility of import dependency, the role of local currencies and the Transition concept, not bad! The exchange ran as follows;

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Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil, Politics, Transition Towns