Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Politics” category

Showing results 76 - 80 of 154 for the category: Politics.

1 Jun 2009

The Potential Role of Transition Explored in the Observer’s ‘New Politics’ series

buntingBeyond Westminster’s bankrupted practices, a new idealism is emerging: Progressive politics will take root from the rubble of a Labour defeat. The Transition movement is giving us a glimpse now. Madeleine Bunting. The Observer. Sunday 31 May 2009

Here is a fascinating piece from yesterday’s Observer, about Transition in the context of what is happening to politics in the UK.  Very interesting, and it is refreshing to read something by someone who has really done their homework about Transition.

“Something remarkable has happened. Politics has ­become entirely unpredictable. Suddenly all manner of political reform is back on the table, a new urgency has been infused into tired debates about political ­disengagement and apathy, and radical reforms are being proposed to reinvigorate the hollowing out of political institutions.

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21 Apr 2009

The Big Energy Shift and Discussing Peak Oil with Ed Milliband

bigenergyshift-logoI travelled to London yesterday for an event which was part of the Big Energy Shift (BES). BES was commissioned and supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Northern Ireland Executive and the Welsh Assembly Government and was facilitated by Ipsos Mori. Over the last few months, members of 9 communities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have met for a series of facilitated “deliberative discussions”, looking at the bases on which the public would be prepared to take up renewable energy generation and energy conservation. Yesterday’s meeting was the last in the series, and brought representatives of all the communities involved to London. It was a fascinating day.

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1 Apr 2009

An Interview with Shaun Chamberlin, author of ‘The Transition Timeline’

So Shaun, you’ve just got copies of the first book you’ve ever published in your hand. What does that feel like?

Wow, what a question! Relief I think! It’s been a long process, and it feels so good to finally see the fruits of everyone’s labours that have gone into this book, and to feel that it can now go out and be a help to people. And I can’t get over how much I love the cover design – we spent ages getting it right, and I’m totally in love! I think it’ll be a while before it all sinks in. (Below is a short promotional film for the book produced by Green Books).

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27 Mar 2009

A Second Chance to Watch (and Record) ‘A Farm for the Future’

Many people got in touch with Transition Network to ask how they could get copies of Rebecca Hosking’s seminal ‘A Farm for the Future’ programme.  It can be viewed on Video Google now, but it is proving tricky for us to distribute copies of the film.  You may therefore be interested to know that due to popular demand, the programme is being screened for a second time on BBC2 Saturday 4th April at 5.20pm.  Set the recorder, and enjoy this wonderful programme a second time.

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12 Mar 2009

Learning the Lessons of Coin Street

A couple of weeks ago I was in London, and I visited Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB) on the South Bank. CSCB are a fascinating initiative, one that can teach a great deal to Transition Initiatives. For me, a Transition initiative, once it has created its EDAP, needs to morph, and become in effect, a relocalisation agency, a developer, a housing association, a bank. CSCB have done many of these things, and their experience is invaluable.

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