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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Politics” category

Showing results 51 - 55 of 154 for the category: Politics.

30 Sep 2010

A Day Spent Reflecting on Transition and the Big Society

Over 40 people came together in Bristol on Wednesday to explore what the government’s Big Society agenda might mean for Transition initiatives.  The venue was the Unitarian Church Hall, and the day proved to be very focused and yielded much insightful thinking and useful ideas.  What follows is my attempt to produce a clear record of the event, the ideas and the debates, as well as the suggestions for where this might go next, dragged from my illegible notes, so any mistakes or misrepresentations are entirely my own doing.

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15 Sep 2010

More Reflections on the Big Society: from the Development Trust Association conference.

I spent yesterday at the Development Trust Association (DTA) conference at the Derby Assembly Rooms.  A fascinating day, including an interesting look at Development Trusts globally, participating in a workshop about Low Carbon Communities, and meeting some fascinating people, as one always does at such events.  The highlight for me though, and something of interest given recent discussions here at Transition Culture, was a debate about the coalition government’s ‘Big Society’ agenda (see the end of this piece for an event Transition Network is running soon to explore its implications).

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Discussion: Comments Off on More Reflections on the Big Society: from the Development Trust Association conference.

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Localisation, Politics, Resilience, Transition Network

30 Jul 2010

‘Localism’ or ‘Localisation’? Defining our terms

There is often confusion within the peak oil/Transition movement about the distinction between the terms ‘localism‘ and ‘localisation‘.  On Energy Bulletin yesterday, Richard Moore’s piece, ‘The Emergence of Localism” was actually referring, I would argue, to localisation, not localism.  In the UK, in the context of the government’s Big Society agenda, the two definitely mean very different things.  Here is section from my forthcoming thesis which explores this distinction. 

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: Economics, General, Localisation, Politics

6 Jul 2010

Some Reflections on ‘The Big Society’….

A few people have asked me what my thoughts are on the whole ‘Big Society’ concept being promoted by the new British government.  I have attended a couple of events over the last week that have given me space to think about it all, so here I am with a few reflections.  Last week I attended the Community Land Trust conference, and yesterday I was at the launch of the Sustainable Development Commission’s ‘The Future is Local’ report.  So, for those new to the idea, the ‘Big Society’ idea is David Cameron’s big idea, focusing on localism, returning power to local communities, making central government smaller and shifting its role to the devolution of power wherever possible, calling for “a massive, radical redistribution of power”.  Here he is talking about it….

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9 Jun 2010

A Remote Talk to Helsinki

I recently gave a presentation to a conference in Helsinki organised by the British Council in Finland, via. pre-recorded DVD. They then posted it online, so if you are interested, here it is…. .

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