20 Sep 2012

I’m in Venice at the 2012 Degrowth conference. I’ve never been to Venice before, it is really quite an extraordinary place. Even in the rain. It took me 17 bleary hours on various trains, but that was time well spent. This is the third Degrowth conference, and it has brought together people from far and wide, with its theme of ‘The Great Transition: degrowth as a passage of civilisation’. The conference started this afternoon, in the Teatro Malibran, a beautiful old theatre.
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25 Jun 2012

In this month’s podcast it’s all about food! We hear about Transition Berkeley’s CropSwaps, Saltash in Transition (aka Saltash Environmental Action)’s edible garden they made just in time for the visit of the Olympic torch and, in the run-up to the 2012 Transition Network conference, from Transition Kentish Town about their new social enterprise supplying vegboxes to local people. The Transition podcast is now available via iTunes. You can even download it and listen to it while you’re jogging or doing Zumba dancing, whatever on earth that is.
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24 May 2012

This month’s podcast goes into more depth on three of the stories from the April round-up of what’s happening in Transition. We hear from the High School Joan Segura i Valls in Santa Coloma de Queralt (in Catalonia, Spain) who have just completed a big project about Transition, from Transition Oamaru and Waitaki District in New Zealand about their Sustainable Skills School, and we hear from Tooting about their Treasuring Tooting event that took place last weekend. Do note that you can embed it on your own website, and that it is also now available on iTunes.
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13 Apr 2012

In this month’s Transition podcast, we go into more depth with three of the stories from this month’s Transition round-up. We hear about Transition Guelph‘s recent ‘Resilience Festival’, what Marsden and Slaithwaite Transition Towns did with their LEAF funding, and what happened when Transition Belper suggested turning a local car park into a vegetable garden. The last one of these podcasts has already been listened to over 1000 times. Do note that you can embed it on your own website, and that it is now available on iTunes.
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2 Apr 2012

“We’re on a mission here now with this group. We all are co-ordinated and there’s something powerful about having fifteen people completely dedicated to the degree where we all know we’re going to do absolutely what it takes to make this happen in our community”.
Transition Prince Rupert, in British Columbia, Canada, launches its website today. Nothing extraordinary about that you might say. But the process that led to it, and its contents, are a story worth telling. The interview I did recently with Lee Brain, a young man who is one of the group’s founders, was one of the most inspiring I have yet published here at Transition Culture. So inspiring in fact that it is, in effect, this month’s Transition podcast. In today’s installment, he gives a fascinating taste of what it looks like when an emerging Transition group gives over some time to getting the foundations of its work as solid as possible before proceeding any further. Here is the interview:
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