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Archive for “Permaculture” category
Showing results 31 - 35 of 105 for the category: Permaculture.
3 Jul 2009
Sharon Astyk is one of the bloggers I most admire, one of the most insightful and incredibly prolific writers out there. It was fascinating therefore to read the two articles she recently posted, Permaculture Future Part One and Part Two. Her basic argument is that permaculture and Transition are, as we head into the Long Emergency, the only two shows in town in terms of positive solutions-focused responses, but are they up to it? Fair question. I hope in this post to try and address some of Sharon’s points, which as usual, are very well argued, and deserve a lengthy muse…
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31 Mar 2009
On Sunday, Martin Crawford of the Agroforestry Research Trust, and star of the recent ‘A Farm for the Future’ programme, came round to my house to perform radical surgery on a tree of mine. The tree in question (see below left), a dessert apple, had been suffering from an odd ailment which meant that no sooner had it come into leaf, than all the leaves fell off, which in turn meant it was unable to make any fruit. Martin’s diagnosis had been that the tree had some kind of fungal virus, but was essentially healthy, and that given that none of the other apple trees suffered from the same thing, it was an ailment specific to that variety. The answer was to transform the tree into a ‘family tree’.
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23 Feb 2009
I know from email and comments I have had that many of you watched and loved Rebecca Hosking’s programme that was shown on BBC2 on Friday called ‘A Farm for the Future’. The programme looked at Rebecca’s father’s farm in Devon, and at her wanting to rethink the farm in the light of peak oil. The programme introduced the nation to such permaculture luminaries as Martin Crawford, Patrick Whitefield and the wonderful Chris Dixon, as well as to the work of the late Arthur Hollins (who I was fortunate enough to meet in the mid 90s). You can watch the programme for the next 24 days here.
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11 Feb 2009
Geoff Lawton is a permaculturist’s permaculturist. As one of the first ‘wave’ of designers and teachers in Australia, he has been implementing and thinking about permaculture for many years, and has become internationally recognised as a repairer of landscapes, and a creator, even in the most unpromising ecosystems, of food forests and abundant, productive landscapes.
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19 Dec 2008
This fantastic image and the following text come from the Permaculture Principles calendar;
Jim Walsh and his giant schnauzer Tom doing an easy 40 km/hr. “Tom and I have reached a maximum recorded speed of 64.8k/hr in this cart. On a cool day he has pulled me around for 6 hours in one day and, like most working breeds, he loves doing it. How great it would be if carparks were replanted with useful trees where happy dogs might rest before taking their owners home at the end of the day”.
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