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Archive for “Permaculture” category
Showing results 76 - 80 of 105 for the category: Permaculture.
8 Mar 2006
Comfrey is the superhero of plants. It is truly wonderful, so multifunctional as to almost be outrageous. Comfrey is what is known as a dynamic accumulator, that is it is incredibly good at mining nutrients from deep in the soil and bringing them to the surface. The combination of comfrey and oil drum can be a win/win for any gardener.
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6 Mar 2006
*This article on Energy Descent Planning and the Kinsale experience has appeared in various places now, but Permaculture Activist recently, in its Peak Oil edition, published this expanded and updated version. Several people have emailed and asked where they can get a copy of it, so here it is, by popular demand (I always wanted to be able to say that…). It was edited by PC Activist editor Scott Horton into US-speak, with ‘gosh’ and ‘crikey’ removed and replaced with ‘gotten’ and ‘eggplant’. Go tell your friends…*
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1 Mar 2006
Well, I know where I’d like to be at the end of April! How about this for the ultimate conference on peak oil and relocalisation as the response to it? The conference is called Local Solutions to the Energy Dilemma and has a dazzling array of speakers, including Steve Andrews,
Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Klare, James Howard Kunstler, Geoff Lawton, Andrew McKillop, Pat Murphy, David Pimentel, Megan Quinn, David Room, Michael Ruppert and Matt Savinar among a much longer list of others, all looking at the practicalities of economic relocalisation as a response to peak oil. Do check out their website and get along and support this event if you can.
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26 Feb 2006
Aaron Nuline, who runs the excellent Powering Down blog recently participated in a ‘blogathon’ where he basically sat and posted blogs on his site all night in support of Trees for Life. Do send a donation in support of this particularly 21st Century way of raising money for charity. Fair play to the man for managing to think of anything interesting to say for such a long period of time. Indeed, some of the output he produced through no doubt bleary eyes was some of the finest I have yet read on his site, including stuff on David Holmgren, cloth nappies, mobile phones and eco-villages (all subjects close to my heart…), as well as this great cartoon. Have a look and then get your credit card out and support this noble (if not slightly bonkers) venture.
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20 Feb 2006
The ever-wonderful **Permaculture Activist** magazine focuses on a particular aspect of permaculture in each issue. The latest edition, No. 59, focuses on peak oil. It contains a wealth of interesting material, some of which, such as Lisa Rayner’s article on Trauma Theory and my piece on Designing Energy Descent Pathways will already be familiar to TransitionCulture regulars, while there are many other insightful pieces such as Thom Hartmann’s exploration of the ‘something will save us’ mindset, and a very good piece on the lessons we can learn from Cuba. If you are interested in TransitionCulture-type stuff and don’t already subscribe to the Activist, do yourself a favour, you can do so either here or here.
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