Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Permaculture” category

Showing results 66 - 70 of 105 for the category: Permaculture.

24 Jul 2006

Seeds of Hope … spied from a train carriage window…

all1The journey to and from ASPO5 on the train went well, despite a few just-made connections, a few missed ones, and a trip through London on a day when it touched 37 degrees, hotter than it was in Pisa! Travelling on the night train from Paris to Florence was a pleasure, I slept well and met some lovely people (hi Elizabeth and to Piero…), which probably wouldn’t have happened on the plane. ASPO was great, I’ll write more about that soon (I am supposed to be on a summer break, but I just wanted to let you know I had made it home in one piece), but was also quite depressing in places, and as I headed home, I drew a lot of hope for the future from the amount of gardens I saw from the train window in all the countries I passed through.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Food, Peak Oil, Permaculture

5 Jul 2006

Lomborg, Climate Change and Energy Descent.

lomborg**Bjorn Lomborg** is Environmentalist Baiter Supreme, the one guy with some letters after his name who is wheeled out in the media to represent the scientific face of climate denial. Despite having been accused of scientific dishonesty by the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty, he is still out there, touting his free market ideas. This Sunday’s Observer newspaper included an article by Lomborg called Climate change can wait. World health Can’t.

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21 Jun 2006

Lovelock’s Folly – A Book Review by Albert Bates.

Lovelock**Albert Bates**, still the presenter of the single most inspiring talk I ever attended (Findhorn 1995, GEN conference, for any speech nerds out there…), has written an excellent review of James Lovelock’s ‘Revenge of Gaia’. Having a background in permaculture, ecovillages and also in many years campaigning against nuclear power, he is in a unique position to deconstruct Lovelock’s thinking. His review is respectful where necessary, and shows a deep understanding of the subject matter. It is by far the best review of it I have so far read.

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6 Jun 2006

Upcoming Talks on Energy Descent and Relocalisation.

talkOver the next couple of months I am doing a few talks in various places, which you might be interested to know about. Do come along if you can. I keep trying to record any talks that I do but I haven’t yet worked out how to edit sound files in such a way as to be able to put them on the Net. The schedule at the moment is as follows;

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Categories: Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture

2 Jun 2006

An Energy Descent Action Plan Primer

Adam Fenderson (of Energy Bulletin) has just launched a new site called Eat the Suburbs, and one of the first postings on there is an Energy Descent Action Plan Primer. A very tidy overview of the idea, where it came from, who said what and why, and then some musings on how it might be applied to his hometown of Melbourne. It is very exciting to see this idea popping up around the world and people really thinking through how it might work. A very thorough and useful piece, a good place to point people towards who say “what IS an Energy Descent Action Plan?”

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Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent