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Archive for “Permaculture” category
Showing results 51 - 55 of 105 for the category: Permaculture.
21 Mar 2007
This evening sees the first event from Transition City Bristol, the largest scale Transition project in the UK (yet). Dr. Chris Johnstone will be giving a talk tonight at 7pm at the Trinity Centre, Bristol. Chris was a star at the Official Unleashing of Transition Town Totnes, and his talk will be called “Personal Power for the Planet: looking at ways you can deepen your determination, cultivate enthusiasm and become more inspired”.
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25 Jan 2007
West Cork in Ireland is a hotbed of permaculture projects, natural buildings and people who have spent years developing pieces of land in experimental ways. This summer a 10 day intensive permaculture course will offer an immersion in both permaculture design principles and approaches and also in the numerous projects in the area that have employed them. The course even has its own website where you can find out more about it. Permaculture principes are the most powerful tools you can have for the design of a post-peak future for yourself and your community. The course comes highly recommended…
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22 Jan 2007
Whatever the degree of groundswell your Transition Town initiative manages to generate, however many practical projects you manage to get going on the ground and however wonderful your Energy Descent Plan is, you will not progress too far unless you have cultivated a positive and productive relationship with your local authority. Whether it is planning issues, funding issues or whatever, you need them on board. You may well find, in many places now, that you are pushing against an open door.
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14 Dec 2006
I just checked the stats for **Transition Culture**, to see how many visitors I get from the Czech Republic. 0.28%. They probably both know each other. Undaunted, I am still going to share with you something of which I am inordinately proud, a Czech translation of a review I wrote of David Holmgren’s Permaculture – principles and pathways beyond sustainability, which just in case you missed it is, in my opinion, the most important book of the last 15 years. The review coincides with the publication of the Czech language edition of the book, which, if you are able to read Czech, I heartily recommend (it also has a nicer cover than the English language version). May it sell by the barrel load, and may it speed the spread of permaculture in all Czech-speaking places…. . So here, in my best Czech, is my review….
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7 Dec 2006
As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I recently finished teaching a 10 week evening class called **Skilling Up for Powerdown** in Totnes. The course will run again in January and is already nearly full. To accompany the course I prepared each week a collection of materials to accompany the course, from weblinks and books, to notes and presentations. You might be interested to have a look. At New Year I will be taking it down, so that when the course starts again it will build week-by-week again, as the course unfolds. Any of you involved in education around energy descent/powerdown stuff might find it useful. I plan in the new year to write it up in more detail, as a course facilitator’s resource guide, but for now, I hope you find this interesting.
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