Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Permaculture” category

Showing results 46 - 50 of 105 for the category: Permaculture.

5 Nov 2007

Transition Initiatives in the Latest Ecologist Magazine.

ecThis month’s Ecologist magazine is one of the best editions yet. It contains a superb piece called ‘Power On’ which offers a refreshingly frank assessment of the UK’s energy situation in the light of peak oil and climate change which is essential reading (I’ll link to it when an online version becomes available). It also has a long piece about Transition Initiatives which presents the whole approach in a very positive way. The Ecologist have kindly given us permission to reproduce this article below;

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30 Oct 2007

RTE Radio Explores the Transition Concept and Visits Kinsale.

k3A couple of weeks ago, I gave a link to an interview with Klaus Harvey about what has happened in Kinsale since the Energy Descent Plan produced in 2005. More recently, RTE Radio, on their ‘Green Light’ programme, presented a feature about Transition Towns, which included their sending a reporter to Kinsale, doing an interview with me, and also hearing about what is happening in Newbridge in County Kildare, which is working along similar lines. The presenter was clearly very enthusiastic about the concept, and the result is a really clear and useful overview of the subject and the issues. To hear it, click here, then scroll down from the link, the programme is that of 11th October, third one down.

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Categories: Climate Change, Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture, Transition Initiatives

5 Oct 2007

Calling All Former Kinsale Permaculture Students!


Since it began in September 2000, the Kinsale Practical Sustainability/Permaculture course has gone from strength to strength. This year the course could have filled twice over, and it has the largest amount of second years yet. Hundreds of people have passed through it, spent one or two years immersed in permaculture design and then gone off back into the world again. Where did they all go? What are they all doing now? Second year student Jeannie Timony has set up a website called Permies Portal to encourage past and present students to get in touch with each other. If you were ever a student at Kinsale please check out the site and post your details…. it’d be great to hear what you are all up to.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Permaculture

30 Jul 2007

David Holmgren on Peak Oil, Energy Descent and Permaculture.

Regular readers will know that I often state, at every opportunity, that David Holmgren’s book, Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability is the greatest book of the past 15 years. The EON Network have just posted an interview with David, recorded a month or so ago, in which he explores the whole concept of permaculture as a response to peak oil. David is, for me, the person from whom I have learnt the most about all of this, so this film is a bit of a treasure, and I think you’ll find it fascinating.

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil, Permaculture

2 Jul 2007

Are Good Bloggers Born Or Made?

gsTwo years ago, I’m sure I didn’t know what a blogger was. Certainly someone introducing themselves as such would have been a bit of a cause for alarm… Setting up this site and learning the ropes was a steep learning curve, and I guess that now, having been voted Britain’s 12th Best Green Blog I can claim to have got the hang of it to some extent.
I have been following with interest the blogging progress of my friend Graham Strouts who now publishes, it can be said that he is really finding his blogging feet now, having started posting some really good stuff, and having mastered the art of regular posting.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Peak Oil, Permaculture