Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 441 - 445 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

16 Oct 2006

Another Successful Transition Town Totnes Open Space Event.

tttOn Saturday we hosted our second Open Space Day in Totnes, this time focusing on energy. Although the attendance was smaller, it was as, if not more, focused than the last one on food. Interestingly, although we started with less people, we ended the day with more people than before. We’re still trying to figure that one out. It generated a huge amount of ideas and information, which we posted online as the event unfolded, as well as photos of the event. With the Transition Town Totnes website being a Wiki site, you can add your ideas to those generated at the meeting. The final Open Space event of 2006 will be on Saturday 4th November and will look at building and housing.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Energy, Peak Oil

11 Oct 2006

A New Peak Oil Film – Oil, Smoke and Mirrors.

osm1I just watched a new film produced by Ronan Doyle called Oil, Smoke and Mirrors, which you can watch online. While not a classic addition to the peak oil cinema, it is a well-made and thought provoking exploration of the links between peak oil and the events of 9/11. I found it especially intriguing to see Richard Heinberg being more outspoken on the 911 question than I have ever seen before.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

10 Oct 2006

Life After Oil Course – Discounted and Subsidised Places Available!

oil**Please see the end of this piece for new information about bursuries of 90% of the course fee for people living in the South West of England**. In a couple of weeks a wonderful course takes place at Schumacher College here in Devon. I have written about it here before, the teachers for the course are Richard Heinberg, Michael Meacher, Ron Oxburgh, David Fleming and myself. The organisers have decided to offer locals a reduced price of £950 (which) is a £250 discount, over 20 per cent reduction.

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9 Oct 2006

The World’s Best Documented Post-Peak Open Space Event Ever?

tttosWe had a fantastic day on Saturday, Transition Town Totnes’ first Open Space day, **’How Will Totnes Feed Itself Beyond the Age of Cheap Oil?’** Not only did we get a good turnout and generate lots of wonderful connections and ideas, we also successfully trialled our putting the whole event live on the site as it unfolded. You can see the results on the Transition Town Totnes website, with photos and all the ideas generated. Our idea that lots of people around the world would be emailing in their thoughts and input didn’t quite come to pass, but as you’ll see, a couple of people did. We learnt lots from this event that we will be able to use to improve this coming Saturday’s event, which is about energy. Have a read of the write up of the event, it was quite something.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

6 Oct 2006

Transition Town Totnes Open Space Day on Food – Join Us Live Online!

foodTomorrow between 10am and 4pm GMT at the Civic Hall in Totnes, Transition Town Totnes are holding our first Open Space day, a community think-tank called **How Will Totnes Feed Itself Beyond Cheap Oil?** The day follows on from the evening called ‘Feeding Totnes, past, present and future’ on Tuesday which attracted nearly 200 people to hear Guy Watson, Helena Norberg-Hodge and Mary Bartlett. The idea of the day is to use Open Space Technology, a powerful tool by which communities self-organise to discuss ideas and explore solutions, in this case in relation to food. Now, thanks to there being a wifi connection in Totnes, you can follow it online as it unfolds.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Food, Peak Oil, Technology, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent