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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 411 - 415 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

19 Dec 2006

Two Reviews of ‘Heat – How to Stop The Planet Burning’ by George Monbiot #1. by Robert Morgan.

heatGeorge Monbiot’s book ‘Heat’ has the feel of a landmark book to me. It is one of those books that people will look back to as somehow defining a particular moment in history, as a real line drawn in the sand. Here at **Transition Culture**, what with it being Christmas and everything, you don’t just get one review but two. We did contact the publishers to see if they would give us a couple of copies to give away in a competition, but they never got back to us. Humph. Oh well. Tomorrow you will get my review, but for today, here is Robert Morgan of Green College’s excellent review.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Peak Oil, Transport

18 Dec 2006

“Happy Relocalisers”, Doomers, Wheelwrights and the concept of Resilience.

cw1Mulling over Zachary Nowak’s recent piece, Homeowner’s Insurance and Fire Extinguishers, it struck me that a key concept in the whole debate about whether one might prioritise individual survival over communal survival, or vice versa, may well be one found in the study of ecology, that of **resilience**. It is a concept I have been exploring a great deal over a lot over the last few weeks, and I have found it a useful way of looking at this whole question.

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Energy, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

13 Dec 2006

Coming Soon – Escape from Suburbia!

efsI’m sure there are very few of you out there who haven’t seen The End of Suburbia. Well, its sequel, Escape from Suburbia is on its way, you can now view the trailer over at You Tube and it does look really rather good.

efsCultivate, the Centre for Sustainable Living in Dublin just showed a special 15 minute preview and the excitement is building. Have a look at the trailer, tell your friends, and brace yourself for what promises to be the mother of all sequels (even better than Dumb and Dumberer…). Hopefully we’ll be able to show it as part of Transition Town Totnes, sooner rather than later….

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Discussion: Comments Off on Coming Soon – Escape from Suburbia!

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil

12 Dec 2006

Review – New Peak Oil Film “Crude Impact”.

ciLast week I watched the new peak oil film, **Crude Impact**, produced by Vista Clara films, which has just emerged on DVD. It describes itself as “a film about how energy use, particularly fossil fuels, has impacted the earth, mankind and other species”, and is one of a couple of new peak oil films coming out over the next few months. I had been looking forward to seeing it for some time, and I found it to be an extremely well-made film which clearly and passionately presents the argument that we are at or near the peak, which will be a transition of historic importance.

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11 Dec 2006

“Plant trees, disband the army, work together: the Tuscan way of surviving collapse” by Ugo Bardi.

**Plant trees, disband the army, work together: the Tuscan way of surviving collapse by Ugo Bardi.**

tosc**Ugo Bardi** is a Professor at the Dipartimento di Chimica at Università di Firenze in Italy, and is also President of [ASPO Italy](”ASPOIT”), who so ably hosted ASPO5 in Pisa earlier this year. In this article, Ugo delves back into the history of his region of Italy, Tuscany, and identifies strategies and lessons of relevance to societies in their attempts to respond to peak oil. Having lived in Tuscany myself for a couple of years, it is a part of the world I am very fond of, so here is an article which mixes post-peak solutions and Tuscan history, and offers some very useful points in so doing.

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