Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 346 - 350 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

4 Jun 2007

A Date for Your Diary – Food and Farming in Transition – June 11th.

**Food & Farming in Transition: The Renaissance of British Food Culture as the Age of Easy Oil Draws to a Close.**
**The Great Hall, Dartington. Monday 11th June, 8pm.**

dtOne of the highlights of the Transition Town Totnes calendar of events for 2007, indeed one of the most important events we have yet run, takes place at the Great Hall, Dartington on the evening of June 11th. Entitled **Food and Farming in Transition**, it is an exploration of how agriculture might adapt to an energy constrained world, and the opportunities as well as the challenges that it faces. The evening brings together 4 speakers who have all featured on **Transition Culture** at various times, Chris Skrebowski, Jeremy Leggett, Patrick Holden and Vandana Shiva. We are delighted to be able to bring you this event in association with Dartington Arts and Ecology. Tickets are now on sale from the Dartington Box Office.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Date for Your Diary – Food and Farming in Transition – June 11th.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

1 Jun 2007

Transition Network Inaugural Conference, Ruskin Mill, Nailsworth.

group picRepresentatives from 35 communities up and down the UK crammed into the beautiful surroundings of Ruskin Mill, in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, on Thursday 31st May for the Inaugural Conference of the Transition Network. The event was both an opportunity to network the many Transition Initiatives springing up around the UK and also an opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary momentum that the concept is generating. Despite the occasionally cramped nature of the space due to its being filled to its capacity (many more people were unable to come due to lack of spaces), it was an amazing day, full of energy, hope and possibility.

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21 May 2007

Transition Tales – Introducing Peak Oil into Schools # Session 3.

k2On the final day of the three day pilot **Transition Tales** programme we did at King Edward VI Community College in Totnes (I wasn’t at the first one, I’ll ask someone else to write that one up) we turned to storytelling. The day was facilitated by Chris Salisbury of Wildwise, a well known and highly gifted local storyteller. He began by introducing the art of storytelling and where it came from, how we are all storytellers, and how our culture has always been built on the telling of stories. This led into a series of exercises that were designed to free up the students’ creative expression and imagination.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Tales – Introducing Peak Oil into Schools # Session 3.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil

18 May 2007

Transition Tales – Introducing Peak Oil into Schools # Session 2.

**Peak Oil Session – Transition Tales.**

computerTransition Town Totnes’s **Transition Tales** project just did its first workshop with the local secondary school, year 9 students (13-14), which went well. It is part of a 3 session pilot we are doing, this being the middle session about peak oil and the degree of our oil dependency. We began by producing a large bag which contained all kinds of household objects, trainer shoes, hair gel, inner tubes, spoons, and so on, and asked them what all these things have in common. They didn’t get it, the answer being, of course, that they are all made of oil. I then asked them what is the hardest work they have ever done in a single day. Answers ranged from “last Friday, we had English”, to “well, my Mum made me wash up last week”.

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16 May 2007

Transition Towns In Italian (and Mexican).

cdsIt’s not every day that Transition Towns stuff is translated into Italian, but with the recent coverage in the Guardian, foreign papers are getting in touch and running articles. Here is one, in Italian, and seemingly quite balanced. They aren’t all quite so rational. A few weeks ago a Mexican reporter rang me up, and the main thrust of her interview, in not very good English, was to what extent Transition Towns was like John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ (an exceptionally odd question). She sounded positively disappointed when I told her that I had grown up drawing far more inspiration from the Buzzcocks than ‘Imagine’. The final article turned up the other day, all in Spanish so I couldn’t make head nor tail of it, but bizzarely the article’s lone illustration was of a caravan park, which we are positive is nowhere near Totnes. Ah, tis a wonderful world.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Towns In Italian (and Mexican).

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil