Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 341 - 345 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

13 Jun 2007

Food and Farming in Transition – Dartington Hall, 11th June 2007.

ffOne of the most important and prestigious events yet to be run by Transition Town Totnes tool place on Monday night in the Great Hall at Dartington. Entitled **Food and Farming in Transition: the Renaissance of British Food Culture as the Age of Easy Oil Draws to a Close**, the evening brought together a very impressive selection of speakers. Despite not publicising the event extensively, the evening was a sell out, and in the serendipitous way Transition Town events often occur, despite there being a lot of people with no tickets, everyone got in with only one or two seats to spare. The talks were designed to be short and to take the audience on a journey through to a rethinking of our food system.

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12 Jun 2007

Chris Skrebowski at Food and Farming in Transition.

totAt last night’s **Food and Farming in Transition** evening at Dartington Hall, of which I shall write more soon, Chris Skrebowski, editor of the Petroleum Review and author of the Megaprojects reports, gave a talk which used a powerpoint which he had to zip through quite fast. I promised that the presentation would be made available here, so here it is. I am also working on Jeremy Leggett’s, which is an enormous file and I am trying to reduce to a manageable size. Anyway here is Chris’s presentation, an opportunity for all you peak oil anoraks to update your presentations with the latest graphs!

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General, Peak Oil

11 Jun 2007

Inaugural Transition Network Meeting – more detailed notes now available.

rmI have written previously about the recent Inaugural Meeting of the Transition Network, which was an amazing event, bringing together those involved in Transition Initiatives all over the UK. You may be interested to see the proceedings of the event which have now been posted. You will find pdf files of notes taken during the talks, the speakers’ Powerpoints, and the notes from the Open Space sessions. A fascinating resource and an important record of a historic day.

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8 Jun 2007

Transition Tales – introducing Peak Oil into Schools. Part 1.

**Introducing Peak Oil into schools – Session 1, setting the tone.**

ttI have already described the second and third sessions we did on the recent visit to KEVICC school in Totnes, here, courtesy of **Transition Tales** co-ordinator Tamzin Pinkerton, is the write-up of Session One. This was led by Chris Holland, a bushcraft educator and storyteller from the organisation Wholeland. The idea of this workshop was to set the tone by introducing themes of nature, place and transition to the group. We decided it would be interesting to not tell the class about who we are and what we do for this first session, to retain some of the mystery about what was in store for them.

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5 Jun 2007

Transition Interviews on YouTube.

When I was in Lewes for their Official Unleashing, I was interviewed by Adrienne Campbell of TTL. The interview looked at the Transition concept in depth, as well as the practical manifestations in the various towns, in particular Totnes. Some of this interview has now been uploaded to YouTube, question by question. At the same time, Adrienne interviewed Dr Chris Johnstone, author of ‘Find Your Power’, I think some clips from that will be uploaded soon too.

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent, Transition Towns