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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 266 - 270 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

4 Feb 2008

Transition Town Totnes on the Bike Show.

bikeshow**The Bike Show** is
a weekly radio show about cycling, as you might imagine. It is broadcast on Resonance 104.4fm, London’s first radio art station run by the London Musicians’ Collective. The Bike Show is presented by Jack Thurston, and a couple of weeks ago Jack popped down to Totnes to record a piece about Transition Town Totnes and cycling. He recorded a number of interviews and attended an evening discussion about cycling in the town. You can hear his piece here, its well worth a listen.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Town Totnes on the Bike Show.

Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives, Transport

1 Feb 2008

“Realism Needed on Biofuel Future”: Anthony Gibson of the NFU Responds.

I wrote recently about the event in Wadebridge I spoke at with Anthony Gibson of the National Farmers Union which explored, among other things, biofuels, organics and localisation. In the interests of balance and on throwing more light onto the different perspectives that were aired that night, and offering a different perspective, here is Mr. Gibson’s regular column in the Western Morning News.

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31 Jan 2008

Presentations to the “Cornwall’s Future” conference, November 2007. Campbell, Strahan, Holden & Hopkins.

The last couple of weeks have rather felt like a whirlwind of talks here there and everywhere, travelling late on trains and being up far too late. People often ask about films of talks and where they are available, so here is a recent talk I did that has just been posted online. A few months ago I spoke at **Cornwall’s future – land use, resource depletion & changing climate**, a conference at Duchy College in Cornwall organised by Transition Penwith and Environment Kernow, who are part of the Cornish Strategic Partnership and who bring together a group of various organisations with an interest in sustainability in Cornwall.

The event, which I wrote about here before, was excellent, featuring Dr. Colin Campbell, David Strahan, Patrick Holden and myself. Those good people at Environment Kernow filmed the talks and have just posted them on YouTube. Here is the first part of the talk I gave, which looked at applying the Transition approach to food and farming.

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23 Jan 2008

Biofuels, Transition and Divergent Visions of the Future of Farming.

posterOn the 16th January I attended a great event in Wadebridge in Cornwall called **The Decline in Oil: are you worried by the rising price of oil?**, which had been organised by Duchy College Rural Business School, the NFU, Climate Friendly Endillion, Transition Penwith and the Soil Association Organic South West. Held in Wadebridge Town Hall, the evening was attended by a crowd of about 140, of whom about 40 were farmers and the rest of whom came from Wadebridge and further afield, from some of Cornwall’s other Transition Initiatives.

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21 Jan 2008

Is Peak Oil the Best Way of Looking At This… Might ‘Trough Oil’ Be More Useful?

lightIn a conversation at the weekend with climate change expert David Wasdell of the Meridian Group, we mused upon the appropriateness of the term ‘peak oil’. I thought you might be interested to hear, in advance, what I wrote for **The Transition Handbook** when I got home from talking with him. When we look at the standard Hubbert curve, we see a mountain, a rise followed by a fall, an ascent followed by a descent. There is a sense that we have reached the peak and that now we have to grit our teeth for the long journey home, akin to an over-excited child at a birthday party being told it is time to go home. Perhaps the sense that we need to instill, Wasdell suggested, could come from turning this much viewed graphic upside down. We might more usefully use the term ‘trough oil’.

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Discussion: 19 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Peak Oil