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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 261 - 265 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

19 Feb 2008

Tantalising Glimpses of Resilience: the Introduction to “The Transition Handbook”.

**The Transition Handbook** will be available to order here at Transition Culture on February 28th, the wait is nearly over (more on that soon). By way of starting to introduce you to it, and by way of whetting your appetite for its many wonders, here is the introduction to the book, which first introduces the concept of resilience.

*Apricots drying on rooftops in Hunza. A drawing from the author’s sketchbook, August 1990.*

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15 Feb 2008

The One Show, Totnes Pounds and Westlife!


Last night’s **The One Show** on BBC One included a great piece about Transition Town Totnes, which you can watch online for the next 6 days which concluded with the surreal site of Westlife passing Totnes Pounds around and chatting about them! Its not everyday that one sees that kind of thing… . The piece itself crammed a lot into a short time, giving a concise overview of what TTT is all about, and how it is working. I just spent half an hour trying to do screen grabs of images from the piece, but the programme I have they just all go black. Anyone able to do screen grabs for us of Westlife with Totnes Pounds?! (**Update** Thanks to Mark Donaldson who just sent in the pic below..)


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14 Feb 2008

Will The Key Driver for the Relocalisation of Food Be Peak Oil, Climate Change or…. Obesity?

obesityThe debate has raged recently among the online peak oil/localization community about whether peak oil will result in the relocalisation of food, or whether it will in fact lead to a shoring up and revalidation of industrial agriculture. Stuart Staniford questioned the assumption that peak oil will inevitably lead to the relocalisation of food supply, an argument which was, I think, pretty thoroughly savaged by the astonishingly productive Sharon Astyk (does this woman sleep?). I want to offer a new angle on this which I hope might add to the ongoing discussion, triggered by a document produced by the British Cabinet Office recently. It raises the possibility that the discussion so far has rather missed the point, and that the key driver for relocalisation, of food at least, will not be peak oil or climate change, but could in fact be the obesity crisis.

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12 Feb 2008

Does Peak Oil Really “Make Ordinary Politics Irrelevant”?: Rupert Read misses the point about Transition Initiatives.

rupertIt was fascinating to read Rupert Read’s recent article posted both on his website and reproduced in the Green Party magazine Green World entitled *‘Peak Oil’ only makes the Green Party message more urgent”*, in which he sets about the Transition movement for being naive and even potentially harmful. *”Next time you hear a Transition Town aficionado peaking about how Peak Oil renders ordinary politics irrelevant, please beg to differ”*, he writes. However, Read’s piece betrays such a profound misunderstanding of where the Transition movement is coming from that I feel duty bound to respond.

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7 Feb 2008

Transition, Energy Descent Plans and Relocalisation in Australia.

**Sonya Wallace** in Sunshine Coast in Australia (Australia’s first Transition Town) just sent me a link to an interview that she did on Wonderful World Media Network which explores the relocalisation process happening there, and how their Energy Descent Plan process is going. The quality of the recording isn’t that great, indeed it does sound rather like listening into the Apollo landings at a time when the conversation moved away from booster rockets to peak oil and local currencies, but it is well worth a listen. Great to hear what people are up to there.

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