Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 256 - 260 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

4 Mar 2008

How Lessons from the Last Oil Shocks May Help to Inform This One

sorry out of gasSomething historic happened the other day, and it went pretty much unreported. The price of oil reached $102.59 (and has since gone on to pass $103.95). Although the passing of $100 in early January and then again over the last couple of weeks has a psychological importance and generated a good bit of media attention, it is the passing of $102 that actually means something. It means that we have reached the point that I have for months now in talks referred to as the point beyond which we are into unexplored, unknown territory. We are there, we have arrived, bewildered and blinking into a new world. We have broken through the ceiling; the Age of Cheap Oil can well and truly said to be a thing of the past, and our idea that we can grow our way out of this will now prove itself to be the nonsense it always was.

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3 Mar 2008

12 Tools for Transition. No.2: The Web of Resilience.

webAt the beginning of any course I teach, and also at events where I need one practical exercise to communicate the Transition concept, I use the following exercise, an adaptation of one I have used for years at the beginning of permaculture courses. I have done this with very diverse groups of people and I have never had it not work; it is always very powerful.

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1 Mar 2008

A Review of The Transition Handbook

hbkThe Transition Handbook From oil dependency to local resilience.
Reviewed by Graham Strouts of

“The concept of energy descent, and of the Transition approach, is a simple one: that the future with less oil could be preferable to the present, but only if sufficient creativity and imagination are applied early enough in the design of this transition.” -Rob Hopkins, The Transition Handbook

The publication of the much anticipated Transition Handbook marks the latest landmark in what has become the fastest growing environmental movement since CND in the 1960s: the phenomenon that is sweeping the UK, the Transition Towns movement.

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29 Feb 2008

12 Tools for Transition. No.1: The Self-Teaching Peak Oil Talk.

dylanIn The Transition Handbook you will find 12 “Tools for Transition”, scattered through the book, practical activities that can help to support and deepen your Transition process. Some of them have evolved during the process, and others are other peoples’ ideas we have used and sometimes adapted. I’ll post them here, one a day. This first one is the shortest, but hopefully you might find a way to use it in your work.

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21 Feb 2008

Promotional Video for The Transition Handbook.

Green Books just posted the promotional video for **The Transition Handbook** which we filmed a couple of months ago. The first two shots were filmed on the coldest day of the year, and each one took about 20 takes, so by the time we filmed the ones you see here, I was numb from the waist downwards and an odd blue colour. By the time we got to do the indoor shots we were minutes away from death from exposure. Also the lip synch is slightly out, but that will be remedied soon… Anyway, take a look, its quite good fun…

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